To My Son On His Birthday

I woke up yesterday and you were 12 years old.  One year away from being a teenager.  Already.

I remember the day that we brought you home from the hospital.  It was a bitterly cold day and I realized that I had everything to learn.  I still have a lot to learn.

As you have grown, you have taught me many things.  You have taught me how to be more patient, you have taught me how to take less notice of what other people think, and you have taught me how to love unconditionally.

I know that you have challenges in your life.  You may not be as social as the other kids, and your Aspergers may cause you to act a little differently and see things a little differently, but to me that is a plus and not a minus.

You are not a slave to the latest trends so that you have to have the newest, most expensive clothing and electronics.  You very rarely ask for anything.  You have so many interests that it is easy to find things to do with you and to buy for you.  You are incredibly intelligent and a joy to have conversations with.

As you grown up I find every new stage of your life being my favourite.  I especially am loving the age that you are now because we can sit and have a good conversation, or we can go and play soccer or we can just hang out at home quietly.  Being someone that enjoys the company of adults more than children allows us to bond over more than just the usual topics.

I can hardly believe that you are 12.  In no time I will be saying that I can hardly believe you are driving, off to college, getting married, having kids of your own.  But I know that whatever stage of life you are in, that will be my favourite, because that will be what I am experiencing with you at that moment.

I enjoy every day that I spend with you, and I will enjoy every moment we spend together in the future.  We have many years to look forward to, and I am forever happy for that.

Happy birthday son!


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