Did She Just Kiss Someone Else? 9/1/2018

It was morning when Sam received the phone call from his girlfriend Amy (hey hun do you want to go out with me today with Shannon and Dan they are going to the pier they are giving us a lift in the car?)

Sam was not too keen on going out on this double date kind of thing he would rather just spend time with Amy but he would get often criticised for being boring if he said no to such things.

(Yea sure said Sam)

Great said Amy meet me around 12 they will pick us up from my flat.
Ok hun said Sam I will be there at 12.

Here we go he thought.... another day having to pretend they are amazing people and acting high energy around them or else I am called boring, I really just rather rest on my day off...

Sam met Amy at her flat and soon after Dan arrived with Shannon they all got in the car and began to drive towards the pier.

Sam sat quietly in the car already waiting on either to not be spoken to for the entire day or to have hes relationship criticised by apparently (the happy couple.)

Sam is a guy with hopes and dreams and spends most of hes time and money on them rather then splashing it on Amy. He claims Amy to be hes big love in life, but Sam often gets Amy telling him that others are saying they dont believe that Sam is serious enough about their relationship because he doesn't take her out often.

This frustrates Sam as he often wonders since when is love and companionship been about flashing money about?
Sam often finds that these days it seems all love is about is how much money people spend on each other.

Sam thought differently he thinks if you love someone you show it to them by your actions not your wallet but unfortunately all hes past girlfriends seemed to disagree with Sam's way of thinking.

Well except Amy she seemed to understand this and have the patience for understanding him not only that but poor Sam wasn't rich either infact he is just over broke most of the time.
Sam didn't have a proper job but was working very hard towards changing that and pursuing hes financials dreams.
But to everybodies else's eyes he was simply just lazy or unsuccessful.

The group when they arrived at the pier went for a walk it was soon after that Dan mentioned getting something to eat. Everybody else agreed they were hungry but Sam had already eaten but he went along with it or else he would of been labelled a cheap date trying to save money.

After the meal Dan said (we should all go to the beach) finally an idea Sam liked he could rest and chill there.
Arriving at the beach from the platform there was a rather high drop from the platform to the beach not only that but the sand at the bottom was very steep going downwards towards the ocean.
Being the first and thinking on the lines of not being a coward Sam quickly planed on how to jump down without rolling towards the ocean and making a complete fool of himself.

Sam was sure a successful jump would impress Amy and the other couple.

But it didn't infact Amy and the couple jumped down without thinking or a strategy none of them rolled down or fell as Sam was expecting them to this was due to the sand being so soft.

Sam obviously also wondered in hes mind about how strange the beach was, it was almost like a huge wave hand had come in and grabbed tons of sand and took off into the ocean with it, he couldn't help but think he had a dream about being on this beach when the wave struck and took him away with it.
Sam knew better then to ask if this was a good idea or a safe area he would just get criticised for being a coward.

Anyway Dan picked a spot to sit, Amy sat beside Dan who was to her right, and next to Dan on hes right was Shannon so Sam sat next to Amy on her left.
Amy, Dan and Shannon were doing all the talking as always, after all it was Amy's friends and they never approved of Sam so he laid on Amy's legs while enjoying the Sunshine oh hes face.

Sam was really enjoying the sun and resting on Amy's leg when the conversion seemed to had gone very quiet, but Sam heard little giggles every so often but he already learned to ignored them most of the time because he knew they were making fun of him so Sam no longer cared.

But this was annoying him it was very quiet and often the giggles were from Amy.
Sam thought he better get up to see whats going.
As Sam got up he heard the sound and tap of stretched clothing being let-go suddenly.

He looked at Amy and he thought he had just seen her showing Dan her body.
Sam looked at Dan and he was smirking at him.
Sam looked over to Shannon for help and she was resting on Dan's shoulder with a smile on her face while looking out into the ocean.
Sam then noticed that Amy was also resting her head on Dan's other shoulder.
Dan looked at the two girls both resting on hes shoulders and then smirked again at Sam.

Dan then make strong eye contact with Sam to get him to noticed him, Dan then continued the conversation he was having with Amy and then kissed her very quickly and they both continued talking like nothing had happened.

And once again Dan smirked looking deep into Sams eyes.

Sam shocked and confused to what had just happened he got wide eyed he wanted to start yelling and going mental at Amy but he knew right away they would put him down and would all gang up on him verbally about how much of a useless bad boyfriend he is to Amy.

Not knowing what to do Sam laid hes head back down on Amy's leg which to him felt like it was the little he had left of her.

But hes mind was spinning how could she do such a thing, how long as this been going on for? Why are they acting like it didn't happen? Why is Shannon ok with it? Did I really just see that?

So many questions spinning and spinning on Sam's mind had to get out of there before he went insane and caused a scene.
He very quietly got up holding hes tears inside in hopes of not getting noticed but both Amy and Dan looked at Sam get up but said nothing.
Sam finds hes keys on the sand and makes sure he's got his phone on him and lastly puts on hes jacket.

When putting on hes jacket he knew it would be a sign to the group he wasn't getting up to go for a swim in the water.

Sam mumbled (going for a walk.)

Knowing dam well they didn't understand what he just said Sam began walking.

He thought to himself I will now walk this beach until I collapse or die how could she!

As he walked he started to hear Amy chase him.
Sam walked faster and faster.
Amy struggled to catch up when she finally did she got infront of him and said (what is wrong Sam?)


Sam trying not to shout (Are you serious whats wrong!?)
What is it hun asked Amy.

What is it!? You are kissing Dan!? Said Sam nearly in tears.
I know, I know... said Amy ( I felt bad doing it but..)

Amy looks away Sam gets really mad and grabs Amy by her throat.

But what! You felt what? You think it was funny? Sam was demanding to know what Amy was going to say next.

No Sam! I just wanted to know..... how you would feel....

Are you stupid! Sam said as he began to grip tight on Amy's throat.
You wanted to know how I feel how do you think I would feel?

Sam's hand was getting tighter and tighter Amy was beginning to choke, in Sam's mind he wanted to keep squeezing to see her tears and snap her neck (....or better yet Amy! why didn't you just ask me?!) demanded Sam but ......End

Sorry guys I ran out of time for writing this what do you think so far? Also how do you think this should end?

Steemians and followers I wanted to wish you a happy new year 9/1/2018!



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