Pictures and story of my unplanned road trip to France

Hello Steemians,
What started as a family visit, changed into a small adventure, with a happy ending.
And not those happy endings, you might get from a massage.
But more in a way, that i was very lucky with saving money, and i had the opportunity to enjoy the view of the landscape.

So our original plan was to visit family in Brussels.
My and my woman and our two kids, was driving towards Brussels.
Then on the ring road of Brussels something happened with my car.

It suddenly jumped of the 5 acceleration, while my driving speed was around 100km.
I thought f...k it jumped of the acceleration, then i manage to put the acceleration into his 4.
Then i drive the car with the speed of 90 km, to our family in Brussels.

We were going to the cousin of my woman, and her husband is a car mechanic.
Then he took a look at the car, and he was not very sure, what the problem could be.
He thought maybe it was the clutch plate, or the acceleration was broken.
Bottom line, he was not sure.

Then i called my own garage in the Netherlands, if he could pick up our car, and fix the problem.
The garage owner said, sure it will cost you 1500 euro!!
I thought FFS, i need to find another solution.

But then the husband of the cousin of my woman, called his friend, to take a look at the car.
That friend was also a car mechanic, but had more experience.
Then the friend came by, and took a look at the car, and found the problem.
He said, if i can find the clutch plate here in Belgium, then he will make it for 150 euros.

Then we searched the internet for the car parts, but we could not find anything in Belgium.
And that was a frustrating news, because the mechanic could fix the car for a good price.
In the Netherlands, i would have paid 5x times of that amount.
But i could not find the right car part.

So on that moment i started to get paranoid, because our dog was alone at home.
He needed to eat and go outside, and our planning was a fast family visit.
But then the husband of my woman cousin, found the car part, in France!!

It was near the France/Belgium border, and the car part costed me 150 euro!!
While in the Netherlands it could be 500 euros.
Then we had no option then to drive to France.

From Brussels it's not that far, and the view was great.
There was only one problem, the husband of my cousin, don't speak dutch or English, only French lol.
So i was forced to enjoy the view, while using my hands to communicate.
Here are some pictures i made.399224_505440996155560_957160432_n.jpg





I wound say, that it was boring.
It was very interesting, and fun, to see the beauty of the landscape was breath taking.
Mu advice would be, if you ever visit France or Belgium, take a look at the country side and leave the big cities.
The real beauty of the land, is in the landscape.

So after we had reached the village, we had a small time finding the house.
But after 30 minutes driving around, we had found it and bought the car part, and drove towards home.
The feeling what i had while i was driving back to Brussels, was a double feeling.
Because now, i had to see if it was the right car part and if the problem will be fixed.

Then we got back, and the mechanic started to work on the car.
For more than an hour he was busy with the car.
And while he was doing that, i was drinking the finest wines of Brussels , enjoying a barbecue.

Then out of the blue the mechanic started to sing this song. hahaha

And ended with the words, and a smile on his face, i am ready!!
He wanted to give me the privilege to start the car, and the car did what i aspect ed from the car.
Then i gave the mechanic 200 euros, and swear my everlasting support to the husband of my cousin.

So the moral of this story is, a situation is always negative if you don't make it positive!
That means, when a road leads to a dead end, just turn around and search for another way, and try to make the best of it!

At the end of the day, i lost 400 euros.
What would have costed me in the Netherlands 1200 euro.
And i had the chance to take a good look at the landscape, and created a band with a family member, who did not even speak dutch or English.
And i am not done yet, when we got home, our dog was waiting for us.
And i found out that we let our back door open, anyone could easily walk into our home.
But that did not happened.
After my kids where in bed, then i walked with the dog and found at last a moment to relax, and when to sleep in a blink of an eye, with a smile on my face.

This was my unplanned road trip to France, hope you enjoy the story as i did , who had to experience it.
Thanks for reading, upvotes and resteems.
100% Steempower!!

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