TALE BY SIR.SKILLFUL1 ( Who will bell our cat?)


In the community of the rats, there was a problem; a pathetic one. Their population was diminishing, their hope for having a great empire was waning. Death had become a regular routine in the rat kingdom.

The rat king called for the meeting of minds, solution needs to be proffered, the commotion must seize. All the living rat in the empire were present at the seating, it was a call for the emancipation of the rats from the arms of their core enemy which is the cat. A rat in the audience gave his sentiment that they should eliminate the cat, none of them supported his view. Another rat opined they find a bell, attach a brace to it and put it on the neck of the cat, so whenever the cat moves the bell will jingle and the rats will be alerted of the impending danger. The entire population of the rats applauded the brilliant idea and even gave him a standing ovation.

After a while the rat king consulted his committee, he rose up from his throne and ask the entire population of the rat a tasking question, he said who will bell the cat? the whole place became silent like a graveyard, before the twinkle of an eye the meeting ground became empty. All the rats returned to their abode, while the chief enemy remained untamed. Now I ask who will bell the cat?


The rat represents we human and the cat represents our enemies and the challenges we encounter, are we facing them or we are scaring away from them. We human have been facing similar fear since inception; the fear of death and the fear of poverty, they are the primary source of fear from which all other fears derives their validity. No man can overcome fear but we can sail through that daunting challenge in front of us, all we need is boldness.

You are in a state or country where the laws and policies are not favorable instead of you to air your pain and live your life, you kept mute waiting for the second coming of the messiah. The isearelites despite having the almighty support had to pick up arms, I am not saying God is not omnipotent but there are things he has given us power to do ourselves. I am not saying we should act barbaric and create chaos but let be pro-active, you can be an eye opener to others.

I have not seen a single man who is afraid of death and ends up living forever. Many are scared of death to the point they abandoned their goal, left their talent untouched and it became toxic to the soil in which they are buried. Let us start to work our talks, philosophy is not enough, action is the key. When you make mistakes you retake and you get it right. I have listen to a lot of words but I am yet to see a lot of actions.

Let’s bell our cat, and our world will be a better world, our lives will be a better life, our names will be chiseled on the legendary rock. Yes, the body of man is carnal but the name, the spirit and legacy of a man who bells his cat shall be eternal. According to my friend @dobartim, he said, hope is meant for foolish people, a real man, a leader, a core revolutionist they take action.

Let’s stop hoping for a better day, it might not come. Let’s stop hoping for a better life, you are not promised tomorrow. Let’s stop hoping for a better job, let’s stop hoping for a better marriage, let’s stop hoping for a better child. Let’s be the pioneer of our life and the condition we find ourselves. Bell your world.

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