Journey - constrained writing

He is alone in his cell, but that is normal. What kind of a ruler would he be, if he had to share his living quarters. He is in a cell, but he is not a prisoner, he is right where he belongs. He is Dread, ruler in a maximum security prison in a Kaspian system.

A young Kaspian entered his cell with a beverage on a tray, just another kiss ass. Dread was in no mood for any kind of visits, especially of that sort. Every ruler needs some alone time. Young Kaspian was smart, he figured out his ruler's wishes by just looking at him. He left the room, quietly as a mouse. Dread finally had his peace. He needed it badly. It is the only time when he can take off his ruthless ruler mask and be what he truly is - a strrugling human stuck in a neverending chain of misfortune.


It all started exactly seven years ago. He was just a technician at New Terra space port. It wasn't a glamorous job, or very important, but when he thinks back now, he was the luckiest person alive. He had Rita. Oh, Rita.
The most gentle soul in the galaxy. Her dark brown eyes were warmer than the sun, and her lips so tempting, there was no man alive who could resist her. Dread knew well how blessed he is. She devoted herself to him, and in return he showed her how much he loves her. Every day. And they were happy. They truly were.

Memories of her are so painful. Even now seven years after, Dread can not help himself but to shed a tear when Rita comes to his mind. And she finds a way to his mind, every day... several times a day.

It first started with a cough. Nothing serious, right? He thought so too. But days passed and coughing became more and more agressive. A simple medical screening, and it was obvious to the doctors. She was infected with Paela virus.
Humans can't cure Paela, no species can, but the Texians. Dread had no choice. She was getting weaker and weaker as days passed. Doctors gave her 6 months maximum. He had 6 months to get in contact with Texians and ask them a favour. The problem is- how to ask a favour from a species that is in war with your own kind. He couldn't care less about the war or enemies. He would have begged the devil for help at that point, and with the Devil he colaborated indeed.

Texians used ships owned by neutral species to smuggle contraband in and out of Terran Republic, and a technician working at a space airport can be of use in these kind of dealings. His first and last job was to get a large steel crate on board a Kaspian ship without too many questions. It was a police setup. And before he realized the magnitude of his act he was sentenced to 20 earth years in a Kaspian prison. All hope for saving the love of his life was gone. Judge wasn't aware of that, but that day 2 people died.


A hollow shell of a man arrived in that prison, man deprived of reason to live, man without a future. A stranger in a prison full of vicious aliens. What chance did he have? None.
Where in his heart emptiness once was, it was replaced with bitternes and anger. A whole new character arose from the rubble of his personality. Man without fear, filled with hate and anger.

He only spoke with other inmates with fists. His sentences were punches and kicks. He was unstoppable. Kaspians turned to guards for defence. Guards acted only once, after that one by one, their bodies started popping out in dark prison corners.

He became untouchable. John D. Read was no more, Dread was born - prison tyrant, criminal lord replaced a simple technician.

But once a day Rita comes to him, and reminds him who he once was. Sorrow then fills him, sorrow that brings John back, for a while. She is probably long gone now, and he wasn't there when she left. He didn't say goodby, he didn't kiss her one last time.
Sorrow is not a good word to describe his emotions. All languages spoken in a galaxy can not truly describe his sadness, his utter despair.

Ruler of a Kaspian prison is now sitting alone in his cell. No one can notice that John is in that cell, not Dread. John knows that soon he will need to give way to Dread, but before he does, he will allow himself a couple of more moments of humanity. A rare commodity in this period of his life.

He passed through many transformations in these seven years. From a loving husband, he became a desperate man who made a deal with a devil. Then smuggler was broken and reshaped into a monster.
Life has been a merciless teacher to John.

Time is almost up. John used up all of his time, It is time for Dread to be back. Who knows, there may be a time where Dread will no longer be needed.

This is my entry for #constrainedwriting contest hosted by @svashta

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Any means necessary

Images were taken from pinterest

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