"To Kill A Runner" Chapter Five "A Fixer & A Fence" (Cyberpunk Fiction)

The next few hours of morning seemed to drag on for the two, they sat under an overpass highway bridge. Britney resetting phones to factory settings while Jarome chain smoked cigarettes until his pack was gone. Seeing car after car go by, The morning rush of wage slaves going to there jobs. RFID chipped from birth born into a world that kept you in a cubicle 17 hours a day just to pay for a apartment under 500 square feet. A prison of the mind and the soul.

This was the type of life that Jarome and Britney never fit into. A father in prison or dead, and a mother who worked that 17 hour a day job. The cycle continued for most but not for them, breaking away at all cost, poverty, homelessness, malnutrition. This was the price to be paid to not be a part of the designed system.

Finishing up her tasks and using one of the phones she authenticated it to a network and dialed a number she had memorized for when she had electronics she wanted to sell.

Maj Nazamai a man who himself had past criminal charges of, possession of stolen property, credit card and social security fraud, assault, driving without a licence and a one vehicular manslaughter that never ended up sticking, to name a few. Despite all this he had a shop front open to the public buying and selling second hand electronics.

In the basement of that shop also was an illegal cash of surplus military weapons for sale. He had been raided by swat teams on several occasions but no matter how much Lone Star combed over the place they never found the cache of weapons. Britney had a business deal with him mostly offering him stolen electronics for any component she needed.

A quick confirmation that he had opened his shop and he was there and they where walking the few city blocks to his shop.

The bell above the door rang as the cameras in the store front trained on the two. Ironic that the man recorded for shoplifters when 90% of his merchandise was at one time or another stolen.

"STRAY ... CATS!, It is good to see you two. My friends..... My friends. What can I do for you today?" Maj solicted with a large smile beneath his long black curly beard.

"We have some phones we want to trade for some of the stuff in the basement Maj," Britney said softly even though the place was empty except for the three of them...

"NO No ..no no no.. You must provide more if you want to see that inventory."

Britney opened her back pack and took her laptop out of bag and placed it on the counter. The most expensive thing she was willing to spare... keeping drive backups she was confident she could replace it, if all went according to plan.

Maj quickly scowling at the two dropping his costumer friendly demeanor. Walking from behind the counter and turning the shop sign to closed, locking the door and droping the blinds. "Come with me .... Hurry, kittens!"

They followed Maj quickly down to the basement and he shambled threw decades of old bottles and cans. Bags stacked on top of each other up to the ceiling of the basement. He led them to a door behind the mess and produced a key card electronic he swiped it over a crack in a brick wall that looked nothing more than a corner in the decaying brick structure. A beep and the wall slid open and he led them inside the secret room.
A white linoleum tile that was not glued down to the cement and partly rolled up on one end, a display of all types and styles of guns. pistols, shotguns, machine guns, knives, machetes, swords, and even a few grenades.

"Nothing new huh ?" Jerome said slyly hoping to see a high energy pulse rail gun, the latest tech in firearms.

"You may choose only one..." Maj said as he pointed to Britney and Jarome.

Britney browsed to the sub machine guns and looked for a very short and easily concealable one. The black metal with a sandy finish on some parts of the grips and polished black on others. Finally choosing an American secret service FN PS-90 with a single full 50 round magazine. With the advent of newer guns this model had become more used by street criminals.

"Excellent choice little kitten, I will add these too you because I am fond of you," Maj spoke and found two former KGB ballistic combat knifes..

"I'm going to need a video transmitter and receiver connected to your cheapest camera too Maj."

"OK... we have deal I take your computer?"

Jarome looked unsure not knowing the extent of Britney's plan, keeping silent and looking over the pup carbine Britney handed off to him to conceal.

"Yes" she shook on it and they headed back upstairs...

"Next time you come to me with Money, understand?" Maj said as he gathered the other cheap components Britney desired, finding a pin hole camera that could run from a large battery bank her drone contained. and the video transmitter with a distance up to 30 yards.

She took a moment to modify her VR goggles as Maj let them out of the shop. She then bound a video transmitter to the pin hole camera and put the unpowered components into her bag, then got out her Drone transmitter and powered the machine on, starting to walk again with it in fallow mode with the transmitter tied to her hip...

"Lets Go, we have to set up the spot."

"What spot?"

"The spot where we kill Zack and Kami"...

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