"To Kill A Runner" Chapter Four "Pixie Dust Attack -i wlan0mon" (Cyberpunk Fiction)

Stepping past the curb, past the old man sitting outside the diner begging for spare change. Jarome opens the door for Britney and looks back toward the overpass. They where in the clear, at least for now.

Expressing a deep sigh as he slightly smiled at the waitress tending the sparsely populated diner. They walked to a back booth and taking a seat across from each other. His wet sneakers squeaking as he adjusted himself against the corner concealed his hands to make a slight motion to release the glock magazine rendering it safer [how does this link to the next part of the sentence?] hot him to sit and relax with a cup of hot coffee. Then pulling his wet hood down revealing his face, a dark brown complexion with tired eyes that seemed vigilant on his surroundings out the glass window.

Britney took a few extra moments to shut off the guard key on the heavy wheeled drone and then power down her transmitter leaving it underneath a coat check. Then, she took her back pack containing her laptop and other gear to the table.

A large breasted waitress walked over as they sat and poured two cups of black coffee, leaving a bowl of single serving creamers and sugar packets. "My name is Kat, Do you two need menus ? I bet you could use some breakfast if your coming from the bar." She had a friendly smile and left to let the two look at the menus.

Jarome glanced from the window out to the wet street, but now he noticed something that slightly annoyed him. Two uniformed police officers parked and walked toward the diner entrance. Having grown up in this area and having a few run ins with authority he recognized the third plain clothed officer with a badge on her hip as woman who had prosecuted his father when he was just seven years old.

Detective Guzalack, a blond slender woman with a short height. The type of cop that would cuff a suspect and then beat them, feeling the need to be more brutal because she was one of the few females on a police force. She quickly noticed the two scanning the diner as her uniform escorts sat and made food selections. "Well i'm just running into to all of you low lives tonight," she said as she walked over and leaned over there table "Can you tell me what happened to your friend Adam tonight ? I may have to take you two in for questioning If you don't help me."

"Get the hell out of here, we didn't do anything," Britney twisted her face and snapped verbally at the Lone Star officer.

"Well, you're known associates of Adam Dunnam's, and his residence is currently the scene of a criminal arson investigation, have ether of you seen him tonight?"

The two just sat there both annoyed but hearing her, thinking that Adam probably was a target and his slum apartment was set a blaze to destroy evidence of the break in.

"Go away."

"I need an answer, the entire property is being put out by a fire truck."

Both of them sat in silence giving the officer dirty looks.

"Look!. I cant take either of you in for just sitting here but i really need to know what happened tonight. If ether of you know anything tell ME NOW !" Her voice became frustrated as it raised at the end to try and intimidate.

Silence fell to her question once again as Jarome smirked and scoffed at her.

"You two really should be taught manners, maybe we wait for you outside?"

After hearing that line from her Jarome shouted in anger. "Shut the FUCK UP PIG!!"

Britney added "We ain't talking to you," pulled her shirt collar to reveal a deep ink tattoo in her collar bone of a eight pointed star with an alternating black and white nautical design. "убить себя, сука олова значок"

"I don't know what you said but i'm going to assume it was not nice," Guzalack darted her eyes back to her officers and then stood back and shook her head and walked away to join her guards eager to eat "If you see your boy Adam again make sure you call me"

Packing up there stuff very annoyed Jarome and Britney figured they had no secure place in this city to relax. They also where concerned with Adams whereabouts but a part of there credo was never ever work with police. Britney payed at the counter and glared at detective Guzalack as they left. Thinking about the fire she had told them about and realizing the work that had to be done. The sun was rising and the sunrise red sky seemed to bring life to the world burning the methane polluted morning.

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