"To Kill A Runner" Chapter Six "Prep Work" (Cyberpunk Fiction)

“Where Do you think we are going to pull this off ? And do you think they are going to just come to us. They won't be together you know that? Even if we hit the better than life clinic and one of them is there they probably have twenty guys with machine guns. They probably are down in the city anyway, not here.” Jamal says softly as they walk through the streets trying his best to conceal a pup machine gun and a pistol underneath his hoodie without any holsters. “Lets think this through, Britney... You just sold your lap top, how are you going to hack for me now. We need those credit cards programmed if we want to eat.”

She nodded not really paying attention to his objections, pulling down her VR goggles ad pulling out the camera wired to the video transmitter, walking back behind an urban strip mall and back toward the trucking loading docks and the trash dumpsters. A little more of a secluded area then the front of the plaza.

"Lets see that carbine, put this on the site and do some aiming." she said handing the pin hole camera wired to the transmitter antenna and powered by a small lipo battery. She also then handed him a role of electrical tape she had in her back pack.

Jarome cautiously took another look around for witnesses and then took the FN PS-90 with the 10 inch barrel out from underneath his oversize sweatshirt. Taking the components from Britney and then placing the micro camera at the rear of the guns sight. Holding it in place and taping it several times to secure it letting the transmitting antenna poke out the top and send a visual feed of the guns sight directly to Britney's VR goggles. Then Jerome Held up the gun to his shoulder and aimed it at brick wall behind a dumpster.

“Alright that looks good, I'm receiving the feed perfectly. Unplug the battery but nothing else.” Britney said before pulling them off and setting them aside her modified wheelchair drone. And then rolling up her sleeves and opening a dumpster and jumping in pulling out trash into the alley way. Finding a wire hanger and old vinyl plotter that had been discarded. She tossed that out with a clank and a smash as the broken plastic splintered on the pavement.

“What are you doing ? “ Jarome joined her holding the pup gun down at his side and looking down the allay was again out to the street.

“Get the slide out of that plotter, break it as much as you need to we need a remote trigger assembly for the carbine” Britney said directing him to the broken hardware with some mechanical parts still working even though the plotter had been thrown out.

“We are putting the machine gun on .... your drone? “

“Ya we will send it into the BTL clinic and we can be at least a little away from the fire fight”

“This is nuts, we have a handful of bullets and two guns and you want to go up against the Triads ? I'm not saying we shouldn't kill them all but we need more fire power than just this.”

“It will work trust me” she said as she held an old piece of scrap wood and nails.”ripping it in half and then tossing it down “too weak..” mumbling under her breath to herself. Continuing to dig through the dumpster she tosses out some PVC pipe, an old soup pan, and an old rusty gear with several teeth and holes machine cut out of the center of it. then finding an old electric camping stove and plugging it into the DC to AC power converter on her drone. And waiting for the coil to get red hot. “Go see if you can scoop out some cooking oil from the waste bin near the restaurant.”

Jarome took the pan from her and walked away down the ally and around out the street. When he returned she had the metal wire connected to the gear and the mechanical slider. Then taking the cooking pot with the old oil she heated it up on the camping stove. Taking the small PVC pipe and dipping it in the hot oil. Waiting for the smell of burning plastic. Then with the soft end she forced it into one of the center holes of the gear. Then she took the mechanism she had made and sliding it into the pipe that the chair would have once sat on her modified wheel chair.

Seeing all this come together Jarome smiled once again picking up the bull pup carbine and pulling the Magazine out making sure it would not fire it the trigger was pulled. Then setting it on the plotters old slide and wrapping the metal wire from the clothes' hanger around the trigger. With the gear acting like a servo it would pull the trigger when a button on Britney pressed a button on her drone transmitter.

CLICK .. CLICK ..CLICK... the mechanism dry fired the unloaded gun in three shot burst. Then with that she shut down her transmitter again, but looking at Jarome with a wide grin and her eyes covered by the VR goggles.

“We wait until tonight, I want to have as little people out on the street as possible when we do this” Jarome chuckled and then reached into his pocket pulling out the credit card “ I need another pack of smokes can i get them with this ? “

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