10 Ways To Love Yourself: by Louise Hay - The Power Is Within You!

Hello everyone, in one of my previous posts I told you I love to read, and I am obsessed with books!
One of my favorite authors is Louise Hay -The Power Is Within You, and here is what she taught me on How to love yourself:


  1. Stop criticizing yourself (Often we are too hard on our self, and we continue to use the same words and phrases our parents,or guardians used to criticize us)

  2. Stop scaring yourself (We tend to make every problem way bigger than it really is, by planing the worse case scenario)

  3. Be kind, patient and gentle with yourself (You should be patient, and allow yourself to make mistakes. No one is perfect. Imagine your mind as a garden. At first it's just a piece of dirt, but then you add some seeds of happiness and prosperity, you add love and beautiful garden will bloom if you are patient)

  4. Be kind to your mind (Don't hate yourself for your negative thoughts, or blame yourself for negative experience. Be kind to your mind, and stop with quilt, punishment and pain)

  5. Praise yourself (Criticism breaks you, praise builds you up. Tell yourself that you are wonderful, beautiful, smart and capable)

  6. Support yourself (I don't mean only in material way, but mentally. Ask for help, find a friend or a group of people who think like you, and don't be afraid to ask)

  7. Love your flaws (This one is hard when you are surrounded with social media and their view on beauty. But no one is perfect, jet we all are. You love somebody even if he/she isn't perfect and makes mistakes, then why don't you love YOU the same)

  8. Take care of your body (Eat well, sleep enough, drink lot's of water and do some exercise. Not that hard to take care of yourself, just listen to your body and it will tell you what you need)

  9. Work with a mirror (Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself "I love you". It may be hard at first, but it is such an important step to self-healing and self-loving)

  10. Love yourself NOW (Don't wait for a relationship, or a perfect job, or when you lose weight. Love yourself now, today, everyday).

This is just a part of Louis's book, and my take on it.
I really do recommend her books to everyone, and also YOU!

Do you love yourself? You should, because you are awesome!

It would be great to leave a comment saying why you love yourself!

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