A Part for The Community [Short Science Fiction Story] [Steemit Exclusive]

“Shhh… Mommy’s here, Olivia,” Laura tried to soothe the screaming newborn in her arms, while her mobile device continued to buzz with notifications, sending little shivers down her neck from across the room. “The Community Minister should be here any minute and my mobile is blowing up with messages. Daddy and fifty other people are waiting just for you downstairs. I’ve fed you, I’ve changed you, there’s nothing wrong with you. Please stop crying!”

“You are aware of the fact that she currently has the mental capacity of a chicken?” Laura’s younger sister, Kate, chimed in from the nursery doorway. Laura didn’t hear her come in over little Olivia’s impossibly loud screams.

“So, basically, it’s like talking to you?” Laura retaliated quickly as she turned around, with a unique tone of sarcasm to her voice that was saved only for the little sister she has not seen in five years.

“I missed you, big sister!” Kate said, her face lit with a sincere smile. Laura was about to reply when Olivia, having cried herself out, became almost suspiciously quiet in her arms. Her face still her from the strenuous noise-making, she began to breathe calmly, and even looked like she was dozing off at times. Crying was an exhausting job.

“Finally,” Laura said with a sigh. “I thought she’d never stop.”

“Well, it is a big day,” Kate answered, getting closer to look at the girl. “She’s beautiful,” she added softly then paused. “Nothing like her mom,” she added mockingly.

“Oh you bit-” Laura stopped herself from cursing in front of the baby, but gave her sister a very particular look. Yeah, Kate knew exactly what she was.

“Stop worrying,” Kate tried to soothe her sister. “We’ve all had it done at that age.”

“I know,” Laura replied with a sigh. Did her husband send Kate to speak to her? He knew how anxious she was about the procedure, so who better to send than her sister, the devout Community Moderator?

“It’s absolutely safe,” Kate added. “Besides, I know the Minister. He can do this in his sleep with one hand tied behind his back.”

“There will be blood,” Laura whispered, as though the words might register in the baby’s mind. She didn’t notice that she began to rock Olivia almost instinctively, even though the girl was peacefully snuggled against her breast, fascinated with the jewelry around her mother’s neck.

“Of course! Remember how many times I gave myself nosebleeds trying to learn a handstand?” Kate giggled. “Kids bleed, sis.”

“Yes, but she can’t make the decision to fall on her head as many times as you did with the mental capacity of a chicken, now can she?” Laura’s training as a Community lawyer suddenly kicked in. This was a trial, and her baby was the accused. 

“So you make the decisions for her. It’s your responsibility as a parent to provide your child with the tools and care they require to grow up to be productive and happy members of the Community,” Kate stated, beginning to feel like she was pitching a new Community member to get their family to have the procedure done.

“But what if she doesn’t WANT to be a member of the Community?” Laura retorted, instantly regretting her words. She never did make a good defense lawyer, but she never really felt she needed to. Until she felt she was defending her daughter. But from what? From a simple surgical procedure that would make her just like everyone? From making the choice when she is grown enough? From growing up disconnected?

Kate sighed and pursed her lips. “Then she can leave when she chooses to,” she stated formally. “Are we really having this talk, Laura?”

Laura fought back the tears in her eyes and breathed in as much air as her lungs would hold. “I am sorry, Kate,” she breathed out. “It’s easy for you. It’s who you ARE. For me it’s… having someone cut into my child.” She paused and sighed again. “Let’s go downstairs,” she added, grabbing her mobile from the multi colored drawer chest near the crib.

Descending down the stairs, Laura tried to maintain her composure even though her knees were shaking. Don’t drop the baby, don’t drop the baby, don’t drop the baby. She repeated it like a mantra in her head, accompanied by the family and friends applause, until she was on solid ground and in the arms of her husband.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“No,” Laura whispered as her parents and random family members hurried to congratulate her and get that first peek at the newborn. Cameras were flashing around, lenses surrounding Laura. She felt dizzy.

“How about I take the baby and you go get the a drink while the Minister prepares?” he suggested.

“Let’s just get this over with,” Laura said while trying to keep on a smile for the videos and photos.

Olivia’s father nodded, and glanced at the Minister who was arranging his tools on the table prepared and disinfected for the procedure in advance. Laura’s eyes followed.

She couldn’t help but notice the needles and disposable blades in the plastic tray on the side. In the center of the table, The Minister placed the traditional gel pillow on which he would put Olivia when he would cut into her flesh. Laura got dizzier, her pulse drumming in her ears and painting her vision with pulses of red.

Kate was at her side, supporting her as she carefully stepped forward to the sounds of another wave of applause from the family. While Laura was an emotional mess, the baby was confused  but not upset. She mostly glared around while drooling, occasionally letting out noises.

“You don’t have to be here,” Kate whispered into Laura’s ear. Laura did not reply. She couldn't.

The Minister grinned at Laura as he reached to take Olivia from her arms. She hesitated, but handed her child over to the man in ceremonial dress standing beside her behind the disinfected table with the sharp objects.

“A blessed day!” the Minister began, and the screen behind him lit up, displaying the endless Feed of the Blockchain. Laura closed her eyes.

“I can't look,” she whispered at no one in particular, trying to keep her lips from moving as she did. It would all be on the video.

The baby didn’t scream when the Minister placed her on the gel pillow and injected her with local anesthetic. The screams began when the Minister began to cut. Laura’s eye flew open, and her hand instinctively reached to the nape of her neck, gliding against the familiar scar. The clapping and cheering was louder.

Blood was streaming down the baby’s back and onto the pillow under her as the Minister held her down and inserted the chip into the incision. Olivia was yelling louder than the audience was clapping. Laura’s hand found Kate’s and she squeezed it as hard as she could to keep herself from bursting into screams herself.

The Minister was reciting something as he used the tissue regenerator on the incision area, ensuring the wound was closed quickly. There wasn’t even need for a bandage, except to clean away the blood. 

Olivia was still sobbing and bloody when the Minister handed her to Laura, wrapped in the traditional blue blanket of a newly added Community member. He turned to the screen behind him, and typed a command into his mobile device. The feed slowed, and a bright announcement rose to its top: ‘Olivia Tam has been added to the Community Blockchain’.

The friends and family gathered around hurried to upvote the announcement, adding little Olivia to their personal feed. Her content would be protected from prying eyes and fully moderated by her parents until she is old enough to access the feed and moderate all by herself. She was part of the Community Blockchain now. Her location, health data, financial status and content would forever be connected to her identity, until she died or left the community and lost it all.

Laura sighed, and handed the baby to her husband. She quickly reached for her mobile device to ensure she upvoted and followed her daughter before anyone had the chance to criticize her delay in doing so.

“As we give a part for the Community,” the Minister said, “We become a part of the Community.”

Laura wasn’t paying attention, as the mobile device was now informing her that Olivia’s blood sugar level indicated she wouldn’t need to be fed for another hour, and was just about to doze off. Laura noticed Kate smiling from the corner of her eye as she hurried to the kitchen to ensure the waiters were ready to serve the main course in the garden.


Special thanks to @carolkean and @suesa for the inspiration to sit by butt down and write.

Feel free to correct typos and stuff - this is unedited, so while I can edit the post - help me do so!

Image via Pixabay, Gods bless their CC0 heart.

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