The Black Cat (An Original Short Fiction)

The black cat

A black cat with green eyes, licked my feet. At that time, I was in front of the house. I'm enjoying the rhythm of the rain.

The black cat came suddenly. Perhaps, the black cat was starving. I gave him a fish. But the black cat did not touch the fish.

Then I thought, maybe the black cat is house cat. I gave him a piece of bread. Just like the fish; the black cat did not touch a piece of bread.

"What do you want, Blacky?"

I named the cat Blacky.

"Meoooow!" Blacky just meowed.

I almost gave up. Then I poured a bottle of milk. Perhaps, Blacky was thirsty. Just as fish and bread before, Blacky did not touch the milk.

Blacky looked at me sharply. His green eyes seemed to hint something. But I did not know what want to Blacky.

"Meoooow!" Blacky back meowing.

Blacky leave me still wondering, what is desired by Blacky.

The next day, Blacky came back. Blacky licked my feet. I give him food. But the food did not touched. Then, I left Blacky with food. Because I had to go somewhere.

Hours later, I went home. I was surprised to see where the food for Blacky was empty. Perhaps, the food had been eaten by Blacky. Or perhaps there are other cats that have eaten the food.

At night, I saw Blacky in front of the house. Silently, I put a piece of fish and a glass of milk in front of the house. Then I peered through the window. Blacky see the food. Blacky looked doubtful. Blacky looked to the left and to the right. Looked like oversee something.

A while later, Blacky approached it food. He devoured the fresh fish it greedily. Then he also spent a glass of milk. Food and milk it licked until nothing left. Then Blacky left my house.

After seeing the behavior Blacky, I realized that the cat is a shy animal. I often hear the term of coy. Furthermore, regularly I serve food to Blacky every morning, noon, and night.

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