The Tell Your Story Series. Looking for input

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“The flip-side of story-telling in a quick-fix society is that the folks who are actually great story-tellers, they have our attention.” ― Chase Jarvis

The human story is at the heart of everything, from the allegory your teacher tells you to get his point across, to the Instagram model trying to tell her story with filtered sunsets and carb-free meals.

To the polarizing politician telling you how his grandfather came to this country with nothing but the clothes on his back. Yeah, all of them have the same story.

Not one S.O.B owned a second pair of jeans.

The human story is everywhere, even the movie you’re taking your girl to. Regardless of the genre, it is bound to have some variation of the historically acclaimed Hero’s Journey archetype.

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Each person has a story and wants to share it with the world. The meteorical rise in social media adoption is a glaring proof of that. And if you pay close attention, it seems like it’s responding to a human need.

That’s how the idea of this series was born, with the purpose to provide a reason for potential users to join the steem world. An additional reason different from the rewards aspect, and respond to another human need, to invite them to share their stories.

Special shoutout to @andrarchy. You’re absolutely right Andrew, focusing on one reason is not enough.

After all, one quality can get people attracted to you, but you need more reasons to keep them.

The Tell Your Story Series

In the past, I just posted the videos after they were filmed and edited, instead of sharing the script or premise before hand.

I will of course continue to operate that way for future promos and all sorts of videos, however with this specific video concept, I might need your opinion and input.

Below, I introduce the idea of a medium-length video directed towards a younger audience (18-24) so if there are any young steemians out there I would love your input guys.

P.S: This little comedy is going to be short and, I will spare you the “Fade in” and all that jazz.

Thank you.

Possible Video # 1

Three guys are sitting down at the police station, all three are handcuffed to each other. They all seem injured and covered with bandages and casts.

The detective leans forward on the table where there’s an empty coffee mug and an ashtray that has a fair share of butts in it.

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“So.. Walk me through what happened last night”.

Everyone tries to speak at the same time, everyone is pointing at everyone, there seems to be plenty of blame to go around, they’re all so loud and so reactionary.

The detective’s eyes drift away among all the noise, a hooker is being booked, she winks at him and shoots him with a finger gun.

“Enough!” He says to the screaming guys.

“You” He point at the guy on the left. “Tell me what happened.”

Well… I had a very bad day at work, I was in a bad mood and had problems at home. I got jealous that some people were doing better than me so I just started trolling them, and I got myself fired.

I deserve it, I know. No one likes a troll.

So since I got fired, I came home early and I found my wife naked in the kitchen.

“Who is it? Tell me! Who is it?”

“What? Nobody! I’m not cheating on you, I just like to cook naked, that's all.”

“I've never seen you cook naked before.”

“Well, it’s this New Age thingy. It’s called Nude Food.”

“It’s vogue these days you should try it.” She says while looking for an apron.

I don’t believe her for a second! Plus there is no food. I start looking for the asshole that was screwing my wife.

Out the window I notice something moving... It looks like hands, human hands.

Oh... So that’s who was screwing my wife!

The son of the bitch is trying to jump from the second floor window.

“Oh hey! Let me help you out.”

I grabbed a chair and started hitting his hands, hitting them and hitting them.

My wife is screaming: “Stop! What are you doing?” I look back at her and I hear a loud noise.

He fell down, I lean from the window and the lucky bastard is almost unscathed. Not even a bruise to be seen.

Karma my ass! I lost it, I went berzerk. I grabbed the fridge and threw it from the balcony, and here I am.

“You!” said the detective looking at the guy in the middle. “What’s your version?”

"I was at work sir and..."

What’s your occupation?

"I clean windows sir."

Sure, go ahead.

So I was at work sir, cleaning windows, minding my own business, and I spot this pretty señorita in the kitchen, and she’s naked. Like, totally naked.

So I unhooked the carabiner to get a better look, you can’t miss that shit. You know what I’m saying?

The detective is not laughing. “Then what happened?”

I fell down that’s what happened. I’m an idiot, I should’ve never unhooked the harness to begin with.

Luckily, I managed to hold on to the window frame. So there I was, hanging from a window and yelling help at the naked lady but she didn’t seem to hear me.

So I just kept screaming from the top of my lungs: “Heeeelp! Heeelp!”

Out of nowhere, crazy guy comes with a chair and starts hitting me, and hitting me.

I was begging him, and begging him. I was barely holding on, but the blows kept coming and I couldn't hold on anymore and I fell down.

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I couldn’t believe I landed on the ground without a scratch. I thought the angels were looking out for me.

I looked at the sky to thank the lord. And guess what I see?

A fridge falling from the sky, that's what I see! I mean, it's a flyin' fridge!!!

And here I am, with a couple of scars and a broken leg.

“Jesus!” Says the detective. “What kind of circus is this?”

“You! Short guy… Tell me what your version.”

I really don’t have one.

“What do you mean you don’t have one?”

The last thing I remember, I was banging my best friend’s wife, he came early from work, I hid in the fridge… I don’t know how I got here!

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So, what do you think? Please let me know your thoughts below.

P.S: There will probably be punchline line added in all videos of the series in case it’s deemed a good idea to go forward with this. Something in the lines of “Have an embarrassing story to share? Tell your story!”

P.S.S: This is not an ad. I have other ad videos in mind and they will be like the previous ones, 30 seconds max. This is for a different purpose obviously.

Image Sources: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

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