The great Steemit Party - a fictional Story Part 1

„Twenty dollars please.“ said the old cab driver hoarsely as we reached the destination. I give him thirty and take off with a smile. It is a comfortable warm Friday evening. On that night, with beautiful stars in the sky and the breathtaking sunset on the horizon, people will meet to have the best night of their life.

Walking down the road I take out the invitation card from the inside of my suit to make sure I am on the right way as all of a sudden I see the immense palace in the background. This is where the greatest of all parties will take place, the legendary Steemit Party. As I reached the impressive large gate many people were standing outside waiting to get in. “No started yet?” I asked the lady in the good looking red dress next to me. White a great smile and sparkling eyes she explained:

“An unexpected number of guests came and for our own well-being the noble hosts decided to open the west and east wings of the building to increase the capacity. Rumors say at least 30.000 guest are inside by now.”

Just as she finished her sentenced the gate slowly opened and two human silhouettes, coming towards us, appear. “It is @dan and @ned , the hosts of today’s festive event.” she whispers in my ear.

“Every guest who enters the grandiose palace receives a most generous present of 10$ of Steem. Everyone is treated in the same way and nobody discriminates because of the color of your skin, origins or religion. All are treated in the same way, because Steemit stands for the values of democracy, freedom and solidarity.” explains @dantheman in his welcome opening speech under the loud applause of the audience.

It was wonderful to watch the passion and dedication he puts into his speech. I instantly become motivated. Stepping through the door I am overwhelmed by the scenery that takes places in front of me. In the middle of the entrance hall with marble floors and stairway to the loft is the DJ. @thisisbenbrick , not only a Platinum-selling songwriter but also founder of Streemit, makes the sound. You can tell more and more people want to join the crowd. @fabio standing next to the DJ offers us freshly brewed beer and burger from the Room77, a local in Berlin where you can pay with Bitcoins and now with Steem and Steem Dollars. The more they drink the more they start to say wise things. Heard of the Ballmer Peak? The programming skills are in relation to the blood alcohol concentration.

I refuse because the way back I will drive the car of a friend who comes later. To be a Steemian means to be responsible: Drink and drive is a no-go. At the other side of the hall I spot what I desire, delicous cupcukes by @mibenkito. With the air filled with the delicious aroma coming from the cupcakes I make my way through the crowd. There I am, look at the beauties.

Picture by: @mibenkito

In a good mood and happy to be here I go the east wing of the building. You can tell from far there is something happening. As I approach I see people on a stage with a splendid, naturalistic backdrop. Contest, is what I read above. This is the place where different contests take place: Poetry slams, lyrics, photography, music and many more are shown here.

People show their skills and passion live on the stage and the audience rate the quality of the performance. Some are quite good, some others look less promising. Those who make a good performance are given a generous prize. Attracted by the seemingly everlasting boom and prizes the artists win more and more participate. They copy all the other in the hope to be successful but soon will realize they are doomed to failure. What counts the most is being creative and original. True passion comes from the whole heart, not from jealousy and greed.

A few start to enviously talk bad about the @dollarvigilante, that he made a fortune over night but what they forget is that he worked decades for this moment.

The first leave the party as soon as they start to note there is nothing like easy and fast glory. They are not willing to work hard to reach their dreams, complaining is easier. Unfortunately not only those who are envy give up but also those who do great work. They are not seen among the thousands of participants. I went to the stage and wanted to make the show of my life. I started to sign, to dance, I painted, I cried, started to make white rabbits disappear but no one payed attention. What a huge disappointment. Calling my friend to leave @the-alien hold a speech about Giving up. “You are Three Feet from Gold” will you stop he asked looking in to my eyes? I know the moment come to show the world who I really am.

To be continued...
Written by @timsaid

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