We are scratching off our bucketlist items like crazy! How about you?

We've been traveling now for almost 8 months and we were able to scratch a lot from our bucketlist so far.


As maybe many more fellow travelers we want to see all 7 World wonders and, as well planned as we are, we started in Jordan where we could visit 1 of them: Petra. So that was a good start for our scratching! We haven't seen them all though! Carmen has seen the Machu Pichu and Nikki the Colluseum in Rome but we will get there eventually.

We also wanted to do a worldtrip before we got all settled (house, marriage, kids, important jobs etc.) We will scratch that one off when we get home.


Another bucketlist item for the both of us was the Gibbon experience in the jungle of Laos. Maybe some of you may know what it is but if not: You go into the jungle with a group for 2-3 days to not only hike but there is a whole zip-line route/construction made! How awesome is that!!! Yes you have to save up some money for it but the experience is not to be missed when you are in that area. Of course the best part was zip-lining through the jungle but you also sleep in a massive tree hut where you can only get to (yes you might have already guessed it) by zip-line! SCRATCH!


Now the coming might be a very big/overall item but we really wanted to visit New-Zealand and do a road trip through the southern island. When you live in Europe New Zealand is like Mars. It's so far away and not many people get to change to visit this amazing country. But we did it! For 3 whole weeks we drove through New-Zealand and although the weather wasn't always that great it is the most beautiful country we've ever been to. Of course we haven't seen the whole world yet but this was nothing like we've ever seen before. The grass is so intensely green and the sky soooooo blue. And let us not start about the people, we could ask anyone anything and they would help us straight away. Plus they don't expect anything in return! We still miss this country everyday and recommend it (is they can afford it) to everybody! Cause this country can offer something for every age and interest. Scratch!


What else? Working in Australia for a few months. We are au-pairs now in Brisbane for the last 3 months and we have 1 more month to go before we can fill up our backpacks again and get back to traveling. We've seen the whole area here and all the surroundings so this last month is all about saving up for the next countries we want to visit. (Almost) scratch!

These were some bucketlist items we could already scratch from our lists. But what is still on there?!

Well! Carmen still wants to visit the Whitsundays, which we will do in a month.
Nikki wants to eat fresh sushi in Japan.
Carmen want to go to a karaoke bar in Tokyo (drunk) and sing a song.
Nikki wants to climb up the Rinjani mountain on the island Lombok.


Of course we have many more bucketlist items but these ones we can still do during this world trip. So we can't wait to scratch those as well!

So please share your bucketlist items with us! We are not only interested in the ones that have to do with traveling don't worry! 🙂

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