They Didnt See It Beneath Them Chapter # 3 (Original Story)

Chapter 3: A Very Bad Choice

Gary and Trevor made it back to the shore and docked their fishing boat with the other boats, sailboats, and local cruise ships.

They were still in shock and couldn’t believe what they had just experienced. They were just glad to be back on dry land and closer to home, because it was getting late in the evening. It was cold outside and they hadn’t eaten anything all day. They didn’t even stay around the docks to tell anyone about their mysterious and incredible encounter with the gigantic creature that they had seen. They headed quickly to the parking lot, almost sprint-walking. They both were thinking inside of their heads silently without speaking to each other. Trevor unlocked his 2003 dark, crimson red Honda Accord and packed his bags and Gary’s bags inside of the rear trunk. Gary sat in the front passenger seat fixing his zipper to his green jacket and buckled his seat belt.

As Trevor opened up his driver’s side door and slid into the driver’s seat, Gary finally said, “That thing has to be the biggest predator I’ve ever seen in my entire life as a fisherman. We have to find out what it is Trevor. I didn’t even know what it was, or that it even existed!”

Trevor was quiet for five more seconds and said, “I wish I would have gotten a better look at it. All I saw was its massive jaws and a blur of its brownish-black body. When it came up and snatched the grouper we caught, the ocean water splashed in my face as you fell backwards. It was worse of a scare then the time that shark snuck up behind me in 2014 and snatched my catch.”

Gary said, “All I can say was, it was big. I think it was longer than the size of our boat. At least thirty-six, maybe thirty-eight feet long. Like a big, bulky kind of emerald green, silver monster fish or something.”

“I guess we’ll have to come back tomorrow then, it’s time to eat. I’m getting hungry,” Trevor said.

Gary nodded his head in agreement and said, “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s head back home. You can drop me off at my place, and tomorrow morning, you can pick me up at 9am sharp. I’ll be ready.”

“Sounds like a plan man, let's get out of here,” Trevor said.

Trevor started the car and drove out of the parking lot swiftly and rushed back to their homes.

The very next morning at 9am sharp, Trevor was waiting outside of Gary’s house in his car with the engine running. Trevor honked his horn two times with two short pumps of his hand and Gary opened up his front door smiling and waving at the car. Trevor waited in the car still half dreaming about the large creature. He compared it to the large Basking Shark and pictured an encounter between the two. The Basking Shark, although large, would be torn to shreds for sure.

Gary locked the door and walked up to the front passenger seat.
As he walked up close, Gary had seen a teenage boy sitting in the backseat behind Trevor as he opened up the car to get inside.
“Oh, hey Scott! I didn’t recognize you from the outside. The sunlight was making a glare on the backseat windows." Gary said.

"Hey Gary, nice to see you." Scott replied politely.

"Trevor, you didn’t say anything about your younger brother coming with us. It’s dangerous you know.” Gary said with a concerned voice and a worried, sincere look in his eyes.

Scott, a medium-built, average-height boy with brown hair became annoyed and quickly said, "Gary, I’m almost fourteen and a half! If it’s really that dangerous, then you both shouldn’t go either. Trevor didn’t tell anyone what happened last night. Only me. He also promised me I could go with you guys if I just followed the rules. He told me he was going to take me out fishing a long time ago and I still haven’t gone with him yet, so now's my chance. This is perfect timing. He already said yes, so I’m coming along.”

Gary sighed and looked at Scott, then at Trevor and said, “I don’t like it, but a man must keep his promises, especially if it's a brother's promise to his younger brother.”

Trevor smiled, “It’s okay Gary, we’ll all be safe and pre-cautious, but if my lil’ bro wants to be a man, let him be a man. We’ll see how he reacts if we catch sight of it again today. I know it’s out there somewhere…”

The three drove back out to the dock and when they arrived, they packed all of their things quickly out of the car and into the boat and set out to sea.

As Gary drove the boat farther into the ocean, both Trevor and Scott sat facing the shoreline as the view of the land shrunk smaller in size. After twenty minutes of driving, Gary slowed the boat down and put the boat’s gear into neutral. He had a serious look on his face and said, “This was the exact area we were at yesterday. Let’s not waste anytime. Trevor, please set up the two cameras and fasten them to both the front and back of the boat. Pick a high location for them and face them at a mid-range angle, slightly facing downward toward the water’s surface. We need to get the best possible video footage of the creature.”

“Alright, no problem Gary. Excuse me lil’ bro.” Trevor slid past Scott and grabbed the two cameras out of one of the bags and started looking for the best locations for them.

“What if the cameras get wet Gary?” Scott asked with his hands tucked in his jeans pockets.

“Luckily, they’re waterproof. Plus, they're fully charged and have completely clean memory cards. I borrowed them yesterday from my cousin Perry. She usually goes deep-sea diving with them while studying sharks,

but after I told her about the creature we saw and what had happened, she was so curious about what it was that she drove the cameras over to my house right after we had gotten off the phone. She wants to see the proof if I encounter it again.“
Gary said, while stretching his arms behind his back.

“Waterproof cameras? Nice. Yeah I hope we can catch sight of it. I want to see it for myself.” Scott said looking around. “Do you guys need for me to do anything?”

Trevor said, “Uhh…Not at the moment bro. Well... Maybe you can grab the fishing gear and start putting some new bait on the hooks. I bought some fresh gear at the store and I even came across some potent fish chum, it’s sealed shut in that yellow bucket we placed in the back by the engine.”

"Sure thing big bro." Scott nodded his head with a slight smile and went to go bait the hooks at the back of the boat.

“I still can’t believe you brought your brother out here Trevor. We don’t even know what we saw, but I have a solid idea of what it’s capable of.” Gary said worriedly.

“Yeah, but he’s my responsibility. We talked it over about being safe and him listening to us at all times. It should be fine. Don’t worry about it. He isn’t so bad,” Trevor said while finishing the fastening straps to secure the second camera into place.

Gary didn’t reply back. Trevor knew how Gary felt, but he didn’t want to let Scott down. He had been promising him to take him out fishing with him and never kept his promise up until now. “It’ll be fine…” Trevor said once more, reassuring Gary. Gary didn’t like it at all and could only think about worst case scenarios. Scott falling into the water, Trevor and Gary having to jump in after him, and then they all get torn to shreds by that mysterious predator fish. He couldn’t stop thinking about someone getting hurt; his mind couldn't stop racing and it bothered him extremely.

Far away, the massive mysterious and unknown creature was prowling once more for food. It had an uncanny sensory range and was looking for the slightest smell of blood. Its large tail displaced large amounts of water as it propelled forward with its jaws completely unhinged and wide open. All marine life scattered away from its looming presence as it headed in the direction of a swarming school of fish that it had spotted.

It was only a matter of time until it caught something within its crushing, unmerciful jaws once more...

Thank you for reading Chapter 3 in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it so far.


Written By Verbal D & Co-Inspired By My Lil’ Bro Jacob

All Gifs Used From

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