300 Word Short Story #-1 A story about a criminal family and a man who lost everything.

It was just another day like every other day going through familiar places and..... "incidents". The cycle of crime continues along with the not so unjust people in it. Even murder was carried out with its own nuances(but with no recollection of it.)  Without bearing a gun or firing a shot, the young man served the don and had a fraction of the everything that was lost to him. After the trusted daily activities the young man with some luggage was around the heads of the family at a warehouse space dealing with a "Complication".

(Please read +1)

The final victim, a preacher spoke of a reckoning and looked to the young man with an odd confidence that ran deep and died smiling with a sharp object encroaching into the right Ventricle.

While the rest left for a different area, the anomaly that carried kindness and stood beside finally confronted the Don ....... only to be school of A "Reality". Your conscience, your morality can be deceiving. It preaches of no sin but yearning that is weeping and I know why you care. I know the weeping that say I don't want to be robbed, lied, beaten, enslaved or to step outside the door when your wife invite the gang! You don't want to be fucked like the day you came to me.

The young man with tears said: I don't want be be and I'll make sure for me and the ones to come. The facility was clean but not some of the roofs which explosive brought down on heads. Out of the luggage was the 4 year old love of Don's life and a gun. "We have a history you didn't notice and a legacy you wouldn't have by a hit you'd call".

An eternity later, shame killed a Man- a Godfather.

If it looks like it. If it acts like it.Then it is ........ still probably not it. A prayer comes from a place so deep where hands or knees doesn't exist. But it's not just the prayers that run deep and what comes when One's prayer is not in line with another's? 

It took me hours to get this all into 300 words. It'd be a piece of cake if this was 3000 word short story instead of 300. This is the -1 part of the story. As I promised, after reading this you should be seeing every word including the description of the +1 story differently. You smart people would figure out most of the places I'm going through in my work. So I'm going to point you at something you might actually miss. Try connecting this with the story:

You could see a Young man doing good things to a bad people and might even call it an ideal. But what are ideals and what is their purpose. What do the ideals have to do with their purpose or what does the purpose has to do with ideals. Then a man that is bad has bad things done to him for the sake of good.

If you order the deaths of your loved ones in the name of your biggest love at a pinch while unable to think....... is it good? is it OK? Is it Bad? What if you kill a few in the name of many who you don't even know...... is that good?

Above all what if a machine do Good? 

I'd say an act of virtue has nothing to do with Virtue. A prayer isn't a bunch of words and and there is no wisdom to be found in books. If they do please go worship the Amazon servers. Like a tool...like nuclear energy an act can be done under varying purposes.

People see

People Judge

But they don't understand.....

                                                              Why should they? They've already judged. When I said: "In a world full of treachery and raw violence, kindness is an oddity that nobody seem to know how to deal with. But that kindness can take you to the gates that were censored and even recoup some of the losses that you had to go through." I was being sinister. If virtue is a physical act then it can be commodified. In a world full of harsh violence, that would be a great business with supplies lacking so much.

If there are things that can absolutely fuck you up. Those are the good stuff. There is no absolute evil. Evil is self destructive. The worst kind of bad is the one drenched and stuffed with goodness with a drop of ill intentions calling the shots. 

The two stories were made as Yin and Yang that give each other a different meaning. A good portion is up for mystery but not interpretation. You can think and work your brain on the content. But it's really a simple story. Just not a static story but a story that is more like a living breathing organism. It's a process like the acts of a human mind. When you box it, you'll see interpretations. It's the same kind of interpretations that made grim reaper a part of the family. It's interpretations that kept anyone guessing who ruined the life of a young man. It's what enabled a nobody with nothing but pain to bring down a syndicate with raw force and power. 

Never underestimate the extent of the skies or depth of the abyss.

Congratulations if you noticed the anime reference in the first post. As for the closing I'll leave you an excerpt from the only text that had brought me to tears. It's called the Diamond Sutra and I cannot recall a day that I was happier than the day I read it.

 “Subhuti, know also that if any Buddha would say, ‘I will create a paradise,’ he would speak falsely. Why? Because a paradise cannot be created nor can it not be uncreated.”“A disciple should develop a mind which is in no way dependent upon sights, sounds, smells, tastes, sensory sensations or any mental conceptions. A disciple should develop a mind which does not rely on anything.”  
“Like a tiny drop of dew, or a bubble floating in a stream;
Like a flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
Or a flickering lamp, an illusion, a phantom, or a dream.”“So is all conditioned existence to be seen.” 
 “Subhuti, when people begin their practice of seeking to attaining total Enlightenment, they ought to see, to perceive, to know, to understand, and to realize that all things and all spiritual truths are no-things, and, therefore, they ought not to conceive within their minds any arbitrary conceptions whatsoever.” 

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