The Onset Of A Psychedelic Tale (original writing and gif animation)

“If you wonder where this story takes place you are not facing the truth!” the pink princess thought. “The truth is that everything only exists within your head and is made up by yourself. You are truly alone with your stupid intellect which is visualised by your uncreative self as a walnut shaped slimy organ. Disgusting!” The princess spit out a greenish piece of slime. It flew right onto a pile of shit. Another beautiful visualisation of her inner world. A bitter smile ran over her face when a thought came to her mind: at least, she had not imagined herself stepping into the turd…
What kind of shit was this anyway? She bowed down collecting her shiny, purple curls with both hand to prevent them from touching the filth on the ground. She had been practicing the reading of tracks all her life and knew from a short but intense glimpse on the little hint that the droppings belonged to a winguipig, a winged guinea pig. They were friendly, dog-sized creatures who liked to take their dump in community of others sitting on comfortably forked braches. She looked up to the trees who overshadowed her path but there was no danger of getting hit by another portion of shit. They might have left just before, if they existed at all.
“Whatever…” she thought, “they do not matter anyways… These thoughts, this reality, it is all your responsibility. There is no one else to clean up the mess in your mind and you will stay here all eternity. Losing your courage for some time is fair enough. And even if it is not, the only one who will judge you is your fucking self! Damn it I am sick of myself.”
Her little face blushed in a deep carmine as her anger on the reality she preserved rose. Since she had discovered, that her imagination was the key to influence her reality her ideas ran out. She could not enjoy the birds’ songs anymore because she felt like they were singing with split tongues. They sang like they were real to convince her reality was more than an illusion. The pink princess had come to the conclusion that this was her own trapped imagination greedy for a counterpart.

This is the beginning of the story of the pink princess... if you would like to read more about her I will continue writing!

Lots of Light and Love to Everyone <3

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