Last of the Imrali - Story Shorts Part 1

Time moved slowly on the fields of Adrival, Osolen had spent countless years slowly crossing it's bountiful expanse.

He reveled in the beauty and feasted endlessly on the succulent daisies that covered it's seemingly endless borders, he knew that one should enjoy the peaceful times - for no one knows when that peace may end.

It had been his duty for centuries to watch of the last of the Imrali, a majestic and powerful race that had now been all but eradicated - that is all except the young and curious Kilani.

Too young remember the last horrific encounter with the Gardel she knew nothing about the fate of her people or that of her parents, she only knew her life with Osolen.

He had cared for her since her parents sacrificed themselves so he could protect the then infant, since then she had grown somewhat in size but she was still just a young girl and had not come into her full abilities.

Osolen and Pira had cautioned her on the use of magic - stating it is only in times of great need that you reveal yourself to the enemy, explaining the Gardel could sense the energy and find them if she did.

Having never witnessed firsthand the destructive power of the Gardels, Kilani risked using her abilities and in so doing - had forced the trio to have to move on from other places, they had once called home.

Osolen sighed to himself at the thought of the young girl in his charge, why would she fear something she knows nothing about - as fortune had it the companions had always managed to evade their pursuers.

He closed his eyes for a moment to enjoy the sun's heat upon his face while he reveled in the succulent daisy he had chosen with care, he knew at some point they would have to move on from this paradise - he just hoped that time would be in their favour.

His moment of blissful still was interrupted by a breathless Pira, Osolens eyes shot open upon hearing the intrusion - Pira wasn't due back for three days.

Pira paused on a tree trunk for a rare moment of stillness, Osolen knew the news must be grave to halt the tiny form that now sat perched in front of him.

His eyes narrowed as Pira struggled to regain his breath "I have travelled for two nights and days, as fast as my wings could carry me" Osolen focused on his companion forgetting the food he was midway through eating.

"The Gardel are on the move suddenly and with purpose" Pira paused momentarily "Directly towards us - you must start now!"

Dread swept over Osolens face as he realised the danger rapidly approaching them, "I can't start without Kilani, she is walking the woods" Pira took to the air with panic clear in his voice "They will be here by nightfall"

What is a Story Short?

A story short is not a short story, short stories are completed tales with all the story there on the page.

Whereas story short is like a snapshot of a story, it can be set during the beginning, middle or end of a story - but it isn't the whole picture just a short part of the text that can stand alone.

The goal here is to set the scene, establish characters and build a storyline - and hopefully leave the reader imagining what is going to happen next.

Each story short is inspired by a picture or image that I will include in the post, and from that the story is built or at least a fragment or moment within the story.

I will be making a series of posts like these, all based on different pictures that inspire me in that moment.

I am using the tag storyshorts and I would like to invite writers and steemians to feel free to join in and use it too, I don't have any prize money to offer and this isn't a competition - just an opportunity to practice and have fun creating content.

If you do want to join in for some fun and a bit of a personal challenge, simply use the tag storyshorts, find a pic and get writing - and soon we'll all have a plethora of new stories to read.

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