Weirdest Invention of All Time


In 1965, a patent was filed by George and charlotte Blonsky for a strange "birthing apparatus". This apparatus was designed to spin the pregnant woman around until the baby came flying out of her vagina by way of centrifugal force.

U.S. patent number US3216423A was designed to violently spin the woman around at forces up to 7g's until the unborn child was ejected from the woman's body. This sounds like a terrible idea to me. Granted, 7g's is a lot of force, so I think it would work. I just don't think the results would be pretty.

Somehow, the Blonsky's thought this was an amazing idea. They believed in thier idea so strongly that they went through the entire process of obtaining a U.S pattent. They invested time and money into obtaining this pattent. Now that takes a certain level of dedication.

Their device never actually made it into hospitals. There is no record of the strange birthing appatus ever being used; however, I have a suspicion that the device may have been tested.

there is no record of the Blonksy's ever having children of their own. If they did have children, they were not born in a hospital. They also have no living descendants. This makes me wonder if the device was ever tested. Perhaps we will never know.

Click here to read the actual pattent

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