Streemian is a service built on the Steem blockchain by @xeroc & @chainsquad to do your bidding on the Steemit platform.
I've actually known about Streemian since I met smarty pants @xeroc at Steemfest the First last year, but sometimes I'm a little slow on the tech uptake & integration fronts. Nonetheless, I'm stoked to activate my Streemian account now and take them out for a test spin!

Activating an account is super easy:
- Sign up on & verify your email.
- Transfer a minuscule sum of 0.001 SBD to @streemian to verify your Steemit account.
- Provide one of your keys to "unlock" your account.
(This is the part I was most hesitant about and thus took forever to actually do, but my concerns are pacified based on the fact that reputable users like @teamsteem & @papa-pepper use this service.)
Now here I am, just Streeming away!

Streemian offers all kinds of free (!!!) services:
- monitor your Steemit account
- automatic upvoting
- syndication on Reddit
- follow a curation trail
- guilding up
- ping-ification
- RSS feeds
I'll get to the other services in a minute, but right now I'm excited to compose a post using Streemian's SCHEDULED POSTS interface!! It's the future, y'all!
This can obviously change the Steemit game for a lot of players and is a very valuable tool:
Going out for vacation? Still want your post to be published at a specific date and time? This freemium feature allows you to schedule a new blog post on Steem for a specific date and time. We will take care of the rest. ~
A few notes on using it:
- So far, it's super obvious to use. Fill out the parameters for Release Date/Time, Title, Tags, Voting & Advanced Options, and Message ( = yer post).
- You have to use markdown, which is kinda fun if you know some markdown formatting codes. Thankfully, they provide a Markdown Cheatsheet right on the composition page for those with limited markdown experience. That's where I learned that this squiggle ~ is actually called a tilde!
- There's no preview, so it's super helpful to know how markdown codes will appear when published. It's not really that big of a deal, as you can always copy/paste your composition on into the Steemit editor to double check your formatting if you care about those things. And of course you can edit a post on Steemit after publication too.
So the SCHEDULED POSTS option is super cool & easy, and that alone can potentially make Streemian an awesome service to elevate your Steemit play, but there are other valuable tools as well:
Automatic Upvoting
Steemit is a game, so you might as well strategize to make a Steemit you want to play! When you find an awesome author that publishes unique and valuable content you love, you can put a bot on them to make sure they are properly rewarded for making Steemit great & enhance your own curation rewards!
It's really easy to do on Streemian:
- Login to your Streemian account > Services > Fanbase.
- Manually enter a leader you want to follow, or peruse the list of existing leaders.
- Click on the name of your leaders on the right to enter your voting parameters.
I upvote @quinneaker, @everlove, & @gardenofeden at 100% every single time, because A) they regularly post inspiring, original content, and B) I know they do not spend a single cent of rewards on themselves, but instead dedicate all of their resources towards building a better world for ALL beings & our living planet. It's incredible to witness such honor and dedication to BE THE CHANGE, so it's a no-brainer for me to give them my free upvote to alchemize into real good in the physical world.
My understanding is that there is no limit on how many authors you can auto vote using Streemian, so I'll add those Steemians who greatly impress me.

Syndication on Reddit
I don't have a Reddit account so I don't have too much to say about this feature, but there's obviously great value in cross-promoting your Steemit posts. In fact, that's basically all I use Fascistbook for these days...Streemian intends to add more services in the future, so hopefully automating sharing to other social media sites is on their radar.

Follow a Curation Trail
Here, you can use your account to help curate valuable content on Steem. By joinng a trail, you can support your favorite curators as a follower/trailer that helps raise awareness for this content. ~
There are hundreds of trails to follow, OR you can start your own curation trail! You can look through the list of registered trails and learn a little more about their voting habits before adding your vote. I haven't used this yet, but it's given my adoption rate, maybe I'll be ready to give it a shot in another 6 months or so :P
Guilding Up
A guild on Steemit is a group of users who donate their SP towards a particular cause. Streemian currently offers the opportunity to support only 1 active guild, Curie.
@Curie is a project that supports quality content from undiscovered authors, giving them a boost in rewards and a little extra exposure. It's been absolutely wonderful to a whole lot of Steemians, as it is obviously great for morale when a new user's first post(s) are discovered and brought forth! On ~ Streemian, you can see their recently upvoted posts or propose a post for their review.
Get notifications for all kinds of things regarding your Steemit account: mentions of your account, replies to posts, financial transactions, and updates.
RSS Feed
We offers a RSS feed for posts made in the Steem network. You have the choice of what you want to read and can choose from...available feeds. ~
I haven't used this yet, and I have nothing more to say about it.
Way to go, Streemians! Thanks for making the Steemit experience that much more enjoyable!
Well that was fun! Now to set this post to publish at 7:15 pm CST, kick back, and let AI work its magic...