The Steemit streetART Challenge


Announcing: the steemit streetart challenge!

• Show the world the hidden treasures of your neighborhood!
• No skills required! Only a camera and a good eye!
• The winner gets all SBD generated from this post!

I have been thinking to do this for a while. And I think it is time to let the eagle-eyed steemians show what anonymous artists has done to decorate their neighborhood. The idea is to show everybody how much creativity that these anonymous individuals possess and appreciate the results. I have never participated in such activities, but I pass by the little girl in the image every time I go shopping. And it makes me think. That is in essence what good streetart is and the difference between tagging and art.


  1. One entry per participant! The entry must be a reply to this post. If more images are required, add as many photos you like, but keep it within "your" entry. Add the location as text. 📬

  2. It must be your image. Cheaters or suspected cheaters will be disqualified. You do not need to be the creator of the work, though it would be cool if you were. 🎨

  3. You can vote for your own entry. You can also advertise for it by posting on your page, chatting about it or by collaborating with your friends.

  4. Resteem /reblog this post. This is required for a valid entry and highly recommended for everyone who thinks it is a good idea. 💡

  5. The people is the judge! The entry with the most upvotes, wins. Vote on as many you like. I will abstain from voting, but if a situation where two or more entries has the same number of votes, I will throw one vote to possibly judge a worthy winner. And if that fails by a last-minute vote, the prize will be split.

  6. Keep it clean! If you want to comment on something, do it under each entry, not as a new one.

  7. Advertise! More entries means bigger prize!

  8. The challenge is over one week from now. As soon as I possibly can, I will announce the winner and pay the prize money. 💰

This sounds like fun to me and I hope to see lots of cool 😎 images.

One tip to see the images better is to right-click them and open in a new window. Entries are starting to come in and it looks amazing!

Badge -snakkeboble Warnock .png

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