A little quick view to the Venezuela hunger crisis in some pictures of my city, Caracas

Hi to all, its my first post talking about the Venezuela Crisis, in the past i created 2 videos speaking in english about the situation here, but this time im going to show you some pictures that i took this last week here in Caracas, the capital of chaos.

This its a nice photo that i took from a street in my city, in Chacao place very quite and calm:


Very close to this street, you can find the same scenario in a lot of places here. some people are searching:



Searching for food in the garbage and eat it, its very sad and touch my heart everytime that i watch it the same reality here, not homeless people at all, normal people, like you and me, in this same situation:


"Metro de Caracas:" Chacao Station - 5pm chaos, its really a conflic scenario stairs down:



Here you can watch a man sleeping in the middle of Plaza Venezuela, a principal square of my city, 9pm:



I was thinking that he was pass away here lying in the ground but not, he only was sleeping there:


By the way, i create this picture when I was coming to my house that nite, and remember´s me a lot to this song and part of this lyric:

Construcción: Chico Buarque

And ended up on the floor like a flaccid lump.
And he agonized in the middle of the public walk
He died on the wrong side of the road, obstructing traffic.
And ended up on the floor like a shy lump
He agonized in the middle of the shipwrecked ride
And ended up on the floor like an alcoholic lump
He died on the wrong side of the tracks on Saturday.

All the pictures and text by me: Nahu Padilla - May 2018
The photos was taken with my cellphone camera: Hyundai E435


I have a non-profit charity foundation if you wanna check it out, for help people in Venezuela and around the world take a look about this:









Thanks for watching!

Venezuela its a really hard place to live but we try to resist like warrior, please pray for us. Blessings

pukulogo STEEM.jpg

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