One Strong Gal Working in the Summer Heat and the Amazing Pulley System

It takes a lot of strength to haul 30 kilos of crushed concrete down 5 floors with sun beating down. Thankfully someone invented the pulley.

I don’t think I have ever seen a girl doing this job in China (actually never a man either). I see them doing pretty much all the same jobs I have seen women do in Canada but not this one. I have never seen a woman in Canada do this either but I did see them tree plant which is way harder than this.

I could see a couple pulley’s up at the top which will make her job whole lot lighter. Saw man in real life lift a car off the ground using a series of pulley’s and locks. So what if it was a 1988 Honda Pony it’s still a car, sort of. The more pulleys’ you use the lighter the object becomes. Without the pulling sailing around the world in ancient times would have been much more difficult.

Honda Pony 1988

Pulley's can make your everyday life easier even in your own home. In this 3.40 min video see how to make a pulley system in you garage to save space and make it family usable.

I sure as heck wouldn’t this job. I don’t think it could pay me enough. These jobs in China are very low paying. All day, sun rise to sun set. I passed her going out to get dinner; she was still doing that when I came back a couple hours later.

Just look at these stacks of bags loaded up cement and wood. I am under the impression she it did it all. Good thing it was coming down rather than going up. I imagine the guy at the top has it rougher smashing, fun though tiring and bagging, boring and tiring. All Day Everyday

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