Happy St.-Lemontine!

Last night I realized that St. Valentine was today. Not that I would celebrate it in any! In my opinion, it's just another commercial hyped event benefitting the bigs guys. You don't need a special day to show someone how much you love him. You have a whole year to do that!

I was supposed to buy him some Valentin cards for the following day. He mentioned that he would need to offer them to all the children in his class. I looked at the time and realized it was past seven p.m. Most of the stores around us were closed at that time. The only place were I could have bought some cards was Walmart but since I had no car for two days, I was stuck. Just my luck!

While I was trying to come up with a plan, I heard my son saying: "No worries, mom. We'll make them. We'll make the cards together." I smiled looking back at him and told him his idea was brilliant. We had a look at our art and crafts cabinet and took out some of the things we needed: craft paper, glue, colours, scissors, markers, goggly eyes and glitter glue. That's for a touch of magic!

We cleared the kitchen table and started to design our Valentine cards. When I asked my son what type of cards he had in mind, he answered loudly: "Everyone knows that on St. Lemontine you give hearts!" I was amused to hear that he had said "Lemontine" instead of Valentine. The entire evening we joked about St. Lemontine.

These are some of the heart-shaped cards we created:


Don't they look cute?


Our hearts were a hit among the preschoolers since they were only cards they could actually play with.

Image source: Pixabay

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