I'm Easy...Easy Like A Suday Morning!

Inspired by #sublimesunday a tag from @c0ff33a, #beautifulsunday (hosted by @ace108) and a beautiful Sunday, I will try to show how this Sunday was for me...hoping someone would be interested in finding out.

Another Ordinary Sunday

Every Sunday, ordinary or extraordinary, starts with coffee in the courtyard of the house. I think @c0ff33a knows why ...

I wanted a different Sunday last week when I walked through the neighbourhood, looking for unknown streets. I planned a visit to a cultural center outside the city where it's an exciting sculpture exhibition. Still, something has changed the plan. Some old and dear friends will come and eat with us. So I was back on the streets looking for flowers until my friends will come. Does it seem odd to you? I like flowers and I like to photograph them. I like the Iris and I went looking for a few.

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Do you know that the name of the Iris flower comes from the Greek, the goddess of the rainbow, Iris?



I think flowers are enough, we walked on some streets that we have not seen before, and then quickly home, to prepare for the arrival of friends.



It Was Easy...Easy Like A Suday Morning!

We have been friends for over thirty years. We have aged together. We spent many holidays together. Most at sea. Now we have met to talk about the holiday that will come.

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They wanted me with them in the photo ... I had no choice.

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As Faith No More says, it was Easy, Easy Like A Suday Morning!


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