Sublime Idaho

I have been going through old pictures and of course there are some that just are not appropriate for photo challenges for whatever reason, and yet the amuse me and I want to share. Here is a collection of some of my photos that I really like, but I did not take them, or they are video not pictures, etc.

We kick it off with me taking the double black diamond run down our back yard at one of our old houses. I am saying it is double black diamond due to the obvious wildlife hazard... lol!

Next, a picture of me scuba diving. Well, a picture of a picture of me scuba diving, the first picture was taken with a disposable underwater camera, and then I took a picture of that with my digital camera. Considering my username, I have thought about making it my avatar but it is pretty murky...

pic of diving pic.JPG

My final set of photos are pictures of me and my family and friends running "Go Left Or You're Fired" on the Payette River near Banks. In this top picture, I am at the back, captain of our paddle raft full of wedding attendees. When our daughter got married we had guests coming from all over the country and wanted to offer them a fine Idaho experience, so we loaded up our rafts (and rented an extra) and had a GREAT time!

Whitewater Wedding.jpg

This is @longsilver in his cataraft:

mark's raft.jpg

Our daughter, the bride to be, is running this rental raft. This is going into "AMF." ("Adios, My Friend" or the other MF phrase if you are not feeling politically correct.)

sunrise's raft.jpg

And this is the part that makes it sublime, to me: I can do all these sports in Idaho, even scuba diving. Hagerman Hot Springs is actually a sort of "quaint" diving destination!

Hope your Sunday was sublime!

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