#sublimesunday bbq edition 😎

You can use this time any day of the week to tease @c0ff33a share the random fun things you do.

I'm going to share with you my sunday picnic in the mountain where my ancestors used to live a century ago, where we hosted the national days of endurance a few weeks ago.

It all started when one of the guys woke me up to buy some stuff we need.

I went to the market with him, and then, when the guys started gathering and I knew some of them will come late, I went back home, to have my dose of steemit and discord.

When everyone was ready and they called me, I told them to leave me behind, I finished what I was doing here and then I went with my motorcycle, it was only 3 km away.

The first thing we did was to sit in a coffee shop and talk, because we didn't meet for a while, and we had a lot to katch up with.

After that, they asked me to choose the perfec place for the bbq, I led them to the field where we played the paintball during the National Days of Endurance.


Then the bbq time came.

The first challenge was to light the fire. I volunteered for that, but there was a guy who thought he knows better. He told me I was doing it wrong. I tried to tell him I know what I was doing, I am a scout leader.. then I decided to give him a chance, maybe I'll learn something new. I like it when people show some leadership and I alway support the hidden talents. But not for too long. After a while I took my task back, I am the fire guy in the end :D

When everything was ready, and the bbq was about to start. Rain decided to make the day more interesting by making us run and hide the fire somewhere safe, and then, just like that, stop raining.

Then they went discovering the place while I was preparing the meal (it is, by the way, the only meal I can prepare other than eggs).


When my mission was accomplished, the girls took over and announced that they were in charge of distributing. Everyone took his fair share, except those who had some extra while I was in charge (that maybe includes me, probably :p).

Finally we had another long conversation that wouldn't have ended if not for the rain that went suddenly violant and made us leave.

So today, I wrote my daily poem at work, then I had my Karate session, my daily poetry lesson, and now I'm doing my second post. Three days in one and it's only 10 PM :D.


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