Sublime Sunday - The Damn Skunk in our Backyard has made a Home :( ;)



Went outside last Fall at night for my evening pondering of Life and just relaxing looking up at the stars from my world famous Cabana ( featured in my #happyplace tag ;) ). And all of the sudden I heard a rustle from behind the chair I was sitting in. Took my cell phone flashlight and turned to see a little critter with a white streak down it's back. And he booking it to a crack in our fence to leave the yard. And of course I smelt that know that damn skunk smell ( after excreting/spraying its natural concoction from its body :) )

So then began the on and off again saga of Mr. Skunk as he would make his notorious appearance in our backyard at various times as well in our neighbors' yards for the past 6 or 7 months.

Thanks to my friend @c0ff33a in creating this awesome Tag/Initiative called #SublimeSunday. Where you post something a bit different, wacky, crazy or just whatever takes your fancy !

And last week..

I came out on the porch and scared Mr. Skunk and he took off like lightening not towards the crack in our fence. No siree... but to my dismay ( and somewhat horror) he went right under our damn house in the crawl space. And my wife informed me later saying she saw him another day going back under there.

So here's Mr. Skunk's home under our house..or at least one among many that he claims in the neighborhood ( Below is the picture I took yesterday, Sunday afternoon)


And me showing the smelly one whose the boss with an angry clenched fist ( Below) lol



Well I'm okay with it, I guess. But I have noticed the other night out in front our house the smell of him leaving his putrid odor. But fortunately haven't heard ( or smelled) anything from him since.

Needless to say , my kids think it's cool to have a neighborhood Skunk. They even have named him after their favorite candy... Mr. Smelly Belly.

So I will say this directly to you Mr. Smelly Belly : As long as you keep to your own smelly self, I guess I will just delay and not call the local exterminator on you lol

Just wish the odor you leave behind was as enjoyable as the candy you were named after ;)

Robert "skunk man " Andrew



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