Morning everyone.....
Well we are finally getting to the nice weather here in the Northeast. The last couple days have been over 80 degrees, and today it could as well.
So yesterday my daughter and I took a ride to a place we’ve hiked many times in the past. We didn’t have the time to hike because my daughter had to be at work in a few hours. So we parked at the basin of the mountain where the lake is.
I was quite shocked at how few of people were there. We were there roughly a month ago and it was pretty packed which is why we hiked instead of walking around the lake.
There were a couple fishing boats out, and a scattered few on the banks fishing. The lake has a small dirt walk path around it which is what we decided to do.
Here are a few pictures of the area.
There were a few swans in the water, unfortunately they were to far away to get with my old iPhone 6S camera.