Motivation is the first step towards success


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To live his dreams or to dream his life?

You probably have dreams and I hope you will have them throughout your life.
But, whether you dream of having the perfect home, the ideal car, the ideal family, what else do I know, a retirement at 40? One of the keys to success is working on it! If you just dream ... you will always have beautiful dreams, but nothing concrete! It may seem obvious, even silly no doubt, but if you dream of retiring before reaching age 40 but still you go aimlessly, without strategy from one job to another without hope of career progression, it is very Unlikely you will reach your goal ...


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Determine your goals and ambitions and write them on a piece of paper.

Make sure that you are always striving to achieve these goals. Your motivation is going to be a real engine to get you going. But I agree, it can sometimes be difficult to keep it always at the high levels of the beginnings.
In this case I propose this: you need motivation to complete your goals, but ... and if you use your goals to explode your motivation?
Keep your piece of paper on you and if you start to feel pessimistic or skeptical about your goals, look at the paper. Take a moment for yourself and visualize the goal, as if it were reached. Focus your attention on the colors, images, sounds and sensations you get from this realized goal. Be aware of small details such as the brightness, the intensity of the sounds, the sharpness of the image you make. Simply and deeply imbibe this realized dream. By doing this, you put yourself under the conditions necessary to potentiate your motivation.

Make sure that you are always striving to achieve these goals. Your motivation is going to be a real engine to get you going. But I agree, it can sometimes be difficult to keep it always at the high levels of the beginnings.
In this case I propose this: you need motivation to complete your goals, but ... and if you use your goals to explode your motivation?
Keep your piece of paper on you and if you start to feel pessimistic or skeptical about your goals, look at the paper. Take a moment for yourself and visualize the goal, as if it were reached. Focus your attention on the colors, images, sounds and sensations you get from this realized goal. Be aware of small details such as the brightness, the intensity of the sounds, the sharpness of the image you make. Simply and deeply imbibe this realized dream. By doing this, you put yourself under the conditions necessary to potentiate your motivation.

Assuming that you have set reasonable goals, you should always be able to imagine a plan of action to achieve them.
If you set goals that are too difficult, you will find that it is probably totally impossible to reach them. You should try not to change them too quickly, if possible. We do not know what life holds for us at the turning point, and sometimes "chance" can give us pleasant gestures.
However, if your goals are really unachievable, do not take your abandonment as a failure, but as a way to rework it, so that it is now attainable.

Warning, goal determination is not the focus of this article. It is here to give an original, hypnotic way to go up his motivation.
The goal determination will be the subject of complete articles.

Here is a simple but devilishly effective method to boost your motivation.

In the comments, I would like you to tell me your personal methods, to motivate you!

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