An Adversity is Not the End of the World

Often when we go through a setback, a bad episode or a traumatic experience in our life, we believe it to be the end of the world. Whether you just got diagnosed with clinical depression or went through a terrible financial loss, you may feel that you cannot move forward and that the world has come to an end. This exact attitude is exactly what keeps you from moving on. If you are currently going through a bad phase in your life and are feeling dismayed and don’t think you have the strength to move on, you need to know that you are not alone. There are many more across the globe fighting battles scarier than you are, going through troubles bigger than yours and facing plights that you could never even envisage.

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I just read a beautiful post by @reddust that described her life story and all the problems she went through. Her story reminded me of Oprah Winfrey and all the traumatic experiences she went during her childhood and adolescence. Both these women didn’t give up and went on to fight their battles instead of surrendering to them and eventually they proved that if you strive for excellence, stay positive and are true to yourself, you can do all that you want.

They inspired me to keep working hard and never give up. I am currently going through a rough patch in my life, mainly financial and a bit emotional. Often when I see those around me happily going on holidays and living an extravagant life, I feel that I’m not blessed enough. However, it is inspirational stories like those above and many more around me that help me clear my mind and understand that an adversity is never the end of the world.

If you perceive it with a positive attitude, an adversity is just an opportunity in disguise. It is there to help you realize your inner power which if you tap into can help you become the strongest version of yourself. It is just about realizing that life doesn’t always remain the same. If you are going through a turmoil now and are stuck in a dark tunnel this moment, you will get out of it and see the light very soon. For that to happen, you must not give up on yourself and life in general. You must believe that good things can happen to you. You must believe that you are amazing and can be more amazing than ever. You must believe that you have the right to live a good life and you will achieve that. For if you believe that, trust me, one day you will build for yourself a more meaningful life.

This is exactly what I have faith in and this faith keeps me going. There are times when I feel I am losing my sanity and those when I feel gloomy but luckily I am mindful enough to spot these thoughts and feelings on time and replace them with more positive ones. This is exactly what doesn’t let me stop and gives me my power. If you are stuck in a rut and feel there’s no hope for you, I request you to please keep believing in yourself and just move forward. Never ever give up!

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