What's Working in Sales Today? This Answer Might Surprise You

What is working today in sales? Well the world is quite different and you might be surprised when you hear this.

Successful salespeople know that sales has long been built on mutually beneficial relationships. I often talk about Relationship Marketing and how that is essential for success in business. In this video you'll get a chance to hear from some top technology leaders what is working for them.

This video is from a recent Facebook Live I did using BlueJeans to enhance it sharing my screen. Watch the video and please leave a comment below about what you think. How does this relate to Steemit and what we experience here?

I look forward to hearing from you!

All the best,


Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional

Linkedin - MarketerTerryBrock
Facebook - MarketerTerryBrock
Twitter - @TerryBrock


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