Hello everyone, something about my work


Hello my friends, I am glad to share with you something about my work:

I am a mathematician and university professor with masters in applied mathematics, I do research in the area of statistics, probability, Bayesian statistics, stochastic processes, stochastic differential equations also work in nonlinear equations, basin of attraction, space of parameter.

I am currently a professor and researcher at the University of Carabobo, Venezuela, this year I am working in stochastic differential equations and basin of attraction:

As a first example, the Lorenz model is implemented , representing a coupled system of nonlinear differential equations. Here, I am construing the Lorenz's Atractor using Bayesian filtering together stochastic processes:

The second example is a temporary space model based on a stochastic differential equation for predicting rainfall, to illustrate the methodology, a data series of daily precipitation was considered. The data included information from January 2011 until May 2017 for three (3) meteorological stations located in Aragua (Ceniap, Tamarindo and Tucutunemo), Venezuela:

The last example, it is a basin of attration of zero simple of a polynomial using a Jarratt's Method:

Follow me @falcao12

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