Sunday Scent Experience : Immortelle - Helicrysum italicum


The genus Helicrysum is hugh – it contains over 500 species that grow all over the world.
There are, however, only a few used for essential oil distillation.

Helicryse is an aromatic herb with with silverish-yellow daisy-like flowers, that dry when the flower matures while keeping their bright color; hence the name ‘immortelle’. The latin name Helicryse comes from ‘helios’ – meaning sun – and from ‘chrysos’- meaning: gold.

The leaves have a slight ‘curry’ scent and in Holland its sometimes called ‘kerrieplant’

Oil is derived from the flowers, in the beginning of summer they will contain the most oil.
There is a lot of material needed (1200 kg) to make 1 liter oil, so this is an expensive essential oil. The good quality comes from Corse (Corsica), the color is greenish to light yellow but from Kroatia comes a distillation that is more orange to red.
There is a sardinese helicryse that is stronger bacteriostatic than the other ones.

The scent reminds to waxed wood, and herbstores, with a little currylike scent in the back. Its a warm, dry scent. Luca Turin says: “an odd, fenugreek like smell halfway between curry and burned sugar”

This strong scent is due to its (di)ketons; a wanted molecule in perfumery. Christian Dior’s Eau Noir is a helicryse perfume (with thyme, sage, cedar and vanilla), and Goutal Sables is one too, nicely mixed with vanilla, cinnamom and sandelwood.

This oil is a blood oil!
It is a strong anti-congestion agent, probably the strongest to be found in nature.. better to avoid using it when people are on bloodthinners.
This special oil goes in a mix for cliënts with varicose veins; a special massage technique with this oils can reduce so much pain! There is cypress added, and patchouli to enhance the effect.

Helicryse enhances arterial circulation and helps against certain bacterial infections.
Its a good skin purifier (acne) with regenerative (strong scar oil!) and anti-inflammatory properties and therefore very usefull in cases of arthritis and rheumatism.
Eczema, burns and cuts and bruises are almost miracly healed with this oil; though keep in mind that essential oil for skincare is dilluted in a carrier oil that suits the occasion. I even managed to heal the dark skinned scars that divers can find on their legs and arms due to touching certain corals.

This strong medicinal activity comes probably from the percentage of betadiones and italidion, which are larger molecules that are quite rare in nature.

This small and modest plant that asks so little of her environment has such great powers to heal on alle levels; the physical, the emotional and the spititual.

Because of its high content of esters its balances on these emotions, mostly because these are the molecules that balance our hormons and in this case, the serotonin levels too.
Ester oils have an great influence on the Heart and the mathers of the heart.

On an emotional scale this is an oil to use when things got stucked and one feels left alone, in an ‘emotional cold’. These people often have a deep fear to be 'left alone again'.
If you have scars, there have been moments of pain; this oil does not only heals the skin but it heals the deep hidden pain, that came with them , too.

All the good strenght of the sun is in there! It warms and makes things flow again. Out of freeze, into motion to heal on an e-motional scale.

On a spritual level this oil is highly vibrating and can resolve ‘old scars’ that obstruct the flow of energy.
Like it dissolves blood cloths its dissolves energetic cloths.
This strong Yang oil can make one look at its own obstructions, reconsider hurtfull feelings and ‘melt’ them away, thus finding the courage to look at things in a different light.

If you want to work with lucid dreaming and the psychological meaning of your dreams, this is the oil to sleep with…..


I visited regularly two sisters who lived in the south of France, where they make their wonderful plant remedies and macerates; the macerate of Helicryse is here potted - in different carrier oils - and left in the sun to give up its magical components to the oil that it is macerated in. This is a strong healing macerate that i love to add to mixtures to treat scar tissue, bruses or deep joint paines.

Well i hope you liked the promised scent post and i hope you like to join me for #sundayscentexperience ; this challenge is about raising awareness for your ability to smell, which has a profound influence on the way you feel and look at life.

Did you know that your smell is low when you are dealing with depression? So here is your trigger to start to work with your depression, by using your nose.

Take a pic of something that has a smell that caught your attention during the week.
Post it on sundays and explain why you like/dislike it.
Use the proper hashtag so you will end up in the right feed where i can find your posts to resteem them!
I upvote all posts and reward the best 10 with sone extra steemdollar cents.

Steem on! Wishing you an 'smelly sunday'!

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