Sunday Scent Experience - Rick Simpson Oil

I've just stumbled across a very interesting lady, a real aromatherapist! @dutchess is asking for Sunday scent experiences so I'm making this one short because I can see the entries pouring into her feed.

I'd like to share a smell I don't like that much - the heady pong of Rick Simpson oil being distilled. I can't describe it so have chosen to use an image. This picture describes what the potent combination of alcohol, weed and terpenes says (or should I say "hums") to my nose:

Thanks to Pixabay

We used to have an indoor grow and a small "lab" downstairs (messy corner of the living room). There's not much ventilation and we were reluctant to open the windows in case the neighbours caught the scent downwind. (We also love our dogs and didn't want to knock their noses out.)

I've read somewhere that there can be some kind of link between the gag reflex and smell so I was careful not to get "smoked out" by the smell: my body might have developed the habit of gagging at the oil - and been unable to swallow it.

Happy Sunday Scent Experience (but not if you are making rso)!

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