I Watch The Super Bowl For Everything But The Game

I know I’m one of those odd people who find American football to be boring. I’m more of an Esports kind of person. If I ever have trouble sleeping I could put on a football game and one of their announcers would knock me out in ten mins or less with that endless droning they did. If that not enough I’m sure it would be the endless penalty and other stuff.



Thankfully while it was on I was enjoying some other stuff with those that do enjoy the big game. That to me is the fun parts of it-- everything else! For a little while, we even had a fire going and you could watch from the window if you wanted to.


I know many of you people with snow and cold right now are going hate seeing this photo! It is a fair bit too cold to go swimming but resting in the beach chair for hours on end next to a fire is the way to go! People can scream and shout all the way want about some player doing this or some referee missing that.


I did not take a photo of any of the food as it was gobbled up right quick.

The store had some wonderfully layered avocado dip. No needs to fuss around and hope the avocados are “ripe” when you won't use them. Downside you really want a few containers of that stuff. It goes quick even more so if you have a chip made for scooping up a lot of dips.

Instead of ordering pizza like we sometimes tend to do. Picking up some premade dough at the store takes most of the work out of it. Then you just pile it high with sauce, pepperonis, cheese, onions, green pepper, red pepper and anything else you can think of. Toss it in for 15 mins and man you got a better pizza then you could have ordered.

Add in some S’mores from the bonfire and you are set to go for the night.

The Commercials

The only reason I really watch the game at all and sadly it was a big letdown this year. The companies use to be daring, bold, and amazing. Nowadays they release mostly stuff month(s) ahead of time. Try and promote some positive “feel good” bullshit. So by halftime, I was done wanting to hear or see anything else regarding the game.

There was at least one commercial that was amazing! At first, I thought it was going to be another lame and boring Budweiser commercial since they seem to go with the medieval theme and their knight. I won’t spoil it for anyone who either missed it or their area did not get the commercial. You can just look up “Game of Thrones X Bud Light” on YouTube for the video. All I have to say is well-played Game of Thrones! I’ve not watched you in a long time since I don’t normally spend on something like HBO. You sure got my attention though!

The number of other commercials that I’ve seen for the past month was a bit boring. Now I can understand if a company spends a fair amount of money and wants to stretch their advertisement money out more. The thing is they spent millions to play an old commercial during the Super Bowl. Many of them looked kind of cheap to shoot. I’m not quite sure how much a thirty-second ad was this time around. It’s never that cheap so what a waste of opportunity. Shame they don’t wait until afterword’s to blast their advertisement everywhere. I had not seen the Game of Thrones ad before well played to their marketing team in how it was deployed! Same others do not learn from them they seem to always have a decent one during the big game.


Photos were taken and content written by @enjar.

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