Superior and Kryptonia



While surfing Steem I came across a post from @sydesjokes about Superior coins. Being the crypto coin hunter that I am this immediately peaked my interest.
I remember reading about Superior Coin awhile ago before it went live but I kinda lost track of its progress.



You can find the latest post about Superior Coin here. It’s all about how you can buy Superior Coin with SBD and Steem and at the moment it is dirt cheap.

But more importantly (at least for me) is the fact that Superior Coin is an “utility coin” (thank you @denmarkguy for coming up with this term).
An utility coin is a coin that lets you earn crypto by performing certain activities or tasks (and this is exactly the case with Superior Coin).

You can transfer the coin without paying fees (which is a big plus) and it is also easy to mine (although I haven’t tried this yet).
There are a couple of smaller exchanges where you can by the coin but for Steemians the best way to get the coin is to by them from @sydesjokes with Steem or SBD.


The online Wallet



If you have read some of my previous posts about cryptocurrency you might know that I like to “test drive” coins to see what they are about and how it works (and earn some crypto in the process).
I immediately registered an account at, the registration process is smooth and it only takes some time to get verified (like Steemit). But after a couple of hours I was able login and explore the site.

The first pleasant surprise was that you get free SUP (Superior Coins) for linking your social media accounts (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram and Google).

This is important because you need some SUP if you want to create a task

The layout of the site is very nice, there is a menu on the left which gives you immediate access to all the things available on the site.

The menu options are as followed:

  • Task. Here is where you perform or create tasks

  • Vote. Here you can have a say in things happening with Superior Coin (talk about participation)

  • Exchange. Self explanatory but alas still in test mode
    Bank. Your wallets (yes, I said wallets plural) You have a working SUP and BTC wallet. Monero and Ethereum are also listed but not working yet.

  • Option. Here you can buy and Sell Sup but it doesn’t seem to be working yet.

  • Market. Under construction

  • Talent. Under construction


I have mentioned tasks a few times now and this is the essence of the Kryptonia site. It lets you perform or create tasks.
In the Task menu you will see a list of tasks with the title of the task and the reward (amout of SUP) you get by performing this task. These tasks vary from visiting a certain website (at the moment primarily Steemit posts) or upvoting, commenting on a post etc.
You can view the task before you decide to accept the “challenge”.

After you have performed the task the reward will be added to your wallet but will have a pending state. This gives the creator of the task the time to check if you performed the task as described.
If all is well you will have earned yourself some nice SUP coins.

You can also create tasks (here is where the SUP you got from linking your Social media accounts comes in handy). You create a task by going to the “create task” tab, you just have to name your task, give a description of what you want done, an URL link and optional a picture.
Then you have to decide what the reward of the task will be and how many people can perform the task.


For example I put up a task to read my latest post (optional upvoting and commenting if they liked it). I put up a 10 SUP reward for 5 people (50 SUP total).

You can review how many people completed your task and decide if you want to revoke the reward if they haven’t followed your instructions.




Kryptonia gave me a Steemit vibe, you can follow people and gain followers and the profile section reminded me a lot of Steemit.
The site at the moment seems to be used by a lot of Steemians as a referral tool. You will find a lot of “visit/upvote/comment on” my Steemit post tasks. It is a great way to get some extra traffic for your latest Steemit post.

To be honest I am having a blast on Kryptonia, it is fun performing tasks and getting rewards and it is a fun way to get some more eyes on your post.
I do feel that there is a lot more that we can do with these tasks, there are so much more (fun) tasks that could be created than those currently available. But you can be sure that I will be racking my brain to come up with some creative things to do.
The site has a lot of potential and I am positive that the community will come up with some great innovative ideas.

Yesterday I created my second task: Follow me on Steemit, 1 SUP for a 100 completions :)

Superior coin is very cheap at the moment, you can mine it, buy it with Steem/SBD and add a fun tool for Steemit to your arsenal. If we get more Steemians a board perhaps we can come up with some surprising things.

Join me on @xervantes





Read more about: Superior Coin | Kryptonia | How Kryptonia works |







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