🤙Windsurf Clinic with the number four of the PWA ranking!🤙

Yesterday @guchtere and I joined a clinic from Dutch PWA hero Jordy Vonk, the current number four of the world At the PWA ranking.

The theme was "How to get faster"
In slalom, technique and speed are really important and he's an expert in doing that. For an hour or two he told us about the new equipment he's testing for his brand. With "his brand" I mean his sponsor who sends him all over the world to test the latest developments in boards and sails.

Since sails and boards keep getting faster and faster, it also gets harder to increase their speed matching a certain comfort.
They stitch the edges of the sail with a difference of one or two millimetre. After all the testing the brand brings the sail and board in production for the upcoming year and they are required to use the factory equipment for their competition.
Which means we can use the same stuff as the pro's use! AWESOME!


By the way, I challenged him for a race and you'll never guess who won! ......

Not me no ;)


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