Constant Dripping Wears Away ... SurfGirl Magazine Featuring My Steemit Article! 📷

'Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.' Bill Bradley  

I couldn't agree more, Bill!

One thing I've defininitely learned during my business career is that you have to be a bit "pain in the neck" if you really want something.

If you don't knock on the door, nobody will ever let you in!


Go And Get It

I'd always prefer to fail instead of not knowing if I could have succeeded.

Yes, we need self-confidence (nurtured by positive experiences) and assertiveness (trained over years). We need to fail several times, stand up, learn, try again and grow. 

The most important point is that we don't stop trying.

Constant dripping wears away the stone. Proved! A surfer's mag has featured my steemit article - boom! 😍

I've been tagging the Surfgirl Mag - which is one of my favorite surfer magazines - in several steemit promotion posts over the past weeks. 

They didn't reply - and I didn't give up. The fact that you don't succeed immediately doesn't mean you are on the complete wrong path. Eventually you only need to wait for the right moment. 

Timing is key!

A couple of hours ago the Surfgirl Mag shared my latest steemit article on their Twitter page which has 18,200 followers - amoung them many well-known surf brands like Roxy and O'Neill as well as famous surfers like Jamie O'Brien.

I'm in surfer's heaven!!! 

The hard work over the past 9 months pays off and things seem to fall into place.

I'm really grateful. 

Two days ago I also opened my Instagram Account for public in order to use it as an additional channel to promote my steemit articles and YouTube videos.

Just in case you want to follow me there, too:

Now @surfermarly is going to be 'pain in the neck' on all the channels, haha! 

If you don't want to see that type of content, you need to switch off the whole internet 😆

OK, seriously talking again: My first instaposts (is that the right term?) have been very well received and some interesting accounts of the surfing, travel and photography sector have started to follow me. 


Now days really need to start having 48 hours. I'll put that on my birthday wishlist :-)

Everything started with steemit and I'm incredibly thankful for the chance I've been given here. I'll thank my best friend @knircky once more for introducing me.

I'm ready for that adventure and happy to go all in!

Thank you 💙

smiling Marly - 

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