Putting the Steemit Surf Community "On the Map"... Give "What 3 Words" A Try!

"Why not design a Steem World Surf Map showing all the surf spots where Steemit's surfers are located?"
- @surfermarly, writing in >>this recent post<<

Do you know exactly where your home break is?

I mean, can you pinpoint your favorite surf spot to a three-meter square anywhere on the planet?

Today I'm going to show you precisely how to do that!

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Which way to the beach???
Image courtesy of PublicDomainPictures and http://pixabay.com

A few hours ago,

my sweet surfing friend, @surfermarly, put out a "call for surfers" here on Steemit.
Marly says:

"So who wants to be part of the 'SteemSurf World Map'? 🌎"

Of course we surfers all want to "hang ten" together, right?

Here's a satellite image of my favorite surf spot in the world, linked to Google Maps.
Welcome to my "home break."

Home, Sweet Home Break.

Home, Sweet Home Break.
Screen capture from Google Maps

If you click on that image,

you can go to Google Maps and ask for directions to my favorite beach.

How would you prefer to specify your home break?

Using Google Maps, I could identify my home break like this:
33.1286520°, -117.3335880°

Or, like this: 33°07.71912', -117°20.01528'
Or, this: 33.1286520°, -117.3335880°
Maybe like this? 33°07'43.1472"N 117°20'00.9168"W
Or, even like this? 11SMS6888265598

Have your eyes glazed over yet?
Go ahead, try any of them; they all work in the Google Maps search box.

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Not terribly user friendly, are they?

If you haven't heard of "What 3 Words," prepare to be blown away.

Here's a big "shout-out" to Steemian @mattclarke for having brought this to my attention a couple of months ago.

With What 3 Words,

I can take you to my favorite surf spot like this:

Or, we can visit @surfermarly's very cool, very deserted beach like this:

You can see the difference, right?

You only need three words.

Three common, everyday words can take you to any 3-meter square plot on the planet!

Home, Sweet Home Break.

Home, Sweet Home Break.
Screen capture from What 3 Words

Care to visit my home break?

Click on the image above to visit the "What 3 Words" website. Then, click on the "Google" logo in the lower left corner, and Google maps can give you directions.

What 3 Words also has an app for that... Just enter my three words: credited.potshots.spoil, and you can immediately ask for directions.

Android App - iPhone App

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Want to "pin" your own home break?

Click on the image above. When you arrive at the map page, type your city or general location into the search box.

Once you're close to home and recognize the territory, I suggest that you turn on the "Satellite" button. This is essentially a Google Maps interface with the very cool What 3 Words grid overlaid on top of it.

Zoom and pan until you find your favorite "patch of beach" at your home break.

Pick any three-meter square of beach.

Once you've "pinpointed" your favorite square of beach, your three words will be in bar at the bottom of the window, and also part of the URL in your browser.

That's how I found @surfermarly's "secret beach," at conspicuous.suitcase.confused, and that's how you can find your spot.

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Where are these secret beaches?
Image courtesy of Casey Allen and http://unsplash.com

It's a new kind of power.

I think it's really cool that we can now remember a location and easily send it to a friend by text. We can even speak the words over a phone, and have a far better chance that a friend will "get it" than if we tried to give them "traditional" GPS coordinates.

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A little slice of heaven on earth.
Image courtesy of Casey Allen and http://unsplash.com

I can imagine the conversation now:

You're talking to your friends on the phone. The surf is up and you can't wait for them to join you.

"Meet me at three three degrees ought seven minutes forty-three point one four seven two seconds North Latitude, one hundred seventeen degrees twenty minutes double-ought point niner one six eight seconds West Longitude."

"What did you say? Would you please repeat that?"

"Sure. How about "credited - potshots - spoil?"

"Oh, OK, got it."

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A STEEMIT Surfer Meet-Up.
Image courtesy of Monica Volpin and http://pixabay.com

Are you beginning to see the possibilities?

Find your three words today. Pass them off to @surfermarly under her article. Get your home break on the Steemit Surfer Map.

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Who knows?

Maybe next time you're out surfing, the guy or gal in the lineup beside you will be a fellow Steemian.

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Another STEEMIT meet-up at the beach.
Image courtesy of Casey Allen and http://unsplash.com

What 3 Words...

Simple to use. Highly functional. Available now, in many common languages.

Very cool. See you at the break!

Visit my Library Surfing Shelf for more great surf stories.

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