Well hello guys, hope you're doing great! This is my entry for @sethlinson's surreal art contest
Well this drawing it's kind like a remake from a previous drawing of mine, with the addition that this time I did it a pixel art. I'm on that pixel mood lately so, why not? ┐(´ー`)┌
This is how the character I did originally looked like:
Those are some pretty big changes right there huh? But I think it has the essence of the previous drawing though, It's just that now kind look more badass ( ̄ー ̄)b
I made a quick sketch with a red color, just to have a kind of base to make the pixel art
And then, I just get into it (ノ'-')ノ
Hope you like it guys! ╭( ・ㅂ・)و
Love, Eddy ♡