Surreal Art Contest: Bewitched by a Mermaid

Welcome creative Steemians,

On this occasion I want to present my first entry to this wonderful contest organized by @sethlinson, thank you very much for the initiative and support small and new artists that are emerging thanks to this type of contests.


That old sailor was never the same again.
After listening to the sweet and ignotical song of that beautiful mermaid
which left him irremediably and irrevocably in love her.

I want to tell you and if you already know me well, surrealism is one of my favorite styles and with which I identify myself because in each of my illustrations I always try to integrate some surreal element or something different in it, it seems very interesting to let fly our imagination to perform this type of art, is really very entertaining.

To finish the materials that I used for this illustration, they were only my sketchbook, pencil, mechanical pencil and colored pencils.


I hope you have liked my contribution to be so don't forget to leave a comment and support me, I would greatly appreciate it if you have any advice or recommendation I would also be very grateful :D

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