Introducing Surreal Selfie Sunday Challenge! Join in and Have a Larf... :)

Hey, so you know what, I've been playing with an idea in my head for a bit now.

Something I think that might be a bit of fun. :)

A while ago, a photography group that I'm part of issued a challenge. And this was to post a selfie and write a little bit about yourself in the thread.

The thing is with photographers, is we often prefer to be behind the camera. And although I've done a bit of acting in my time, the whole concept of 'selfies' is something I generally avoid. (It's far easier pretending to be someone else in front of the camera than being yourself!)


I was thinking that I'd love to see more pictures of the people I chat with here.... but in order to avoid any self consciousness and to inject a bit of humour, I would like to introduce....

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Surreal Selfie Sunday!!

This isn't a competition as I haven't got funds for this yet... (but perhaps in the future it could be.)

But for now, if you'd like to take part here's what to do.

  • Take a surreal selfie on a Sunday. Anything goes! Edit it, filter it, do what you like with it.
  • It can be as silly or as serious as you like.
  • It must be a photo of you taken by you.
  • It doesn't have to be your face! Any body part will do. Keep it clean though guys!
  • Either post your picture in the comments of the Sunday post, or create a post of your own.
  • Tag your post with #surrealselfiesunday as the first tag

N.B To upload a picture into the comments section you can use this site to get a link for you to paste:

I will upvote any surreal selfies with as much voting power as I have!

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So without further ado, here is my first surreal selfie....


I'm acutely aware that this initiative may fall flat on its face and get crickets as a response.... and then I'll be left with a permanent picture of just me, looking silly, forever on the block chain. Ha!

So don't leave me hanging guys!!!

Join in, get those surreal selfies coming in and let's see what you (don't) look like!!

And although I don't generally ask for would be awesome if you shared this so more people can start getting surreal on this here Sunday and posting their pics. :)


Johleen x

surreal Mona Lisa image source
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