Obviously, no matter what we do in this life, we will all die one day anyway… but that’s no reason not to try to postpone it if we can help it.

@papa-pepper is not some sort of hard-core, doomsday, prepper, survivalist who’s hoarding ammunition, silver, and bug-out supplies. However, I do enjoy filling my head with knowledge that may come in handy one day.

For a while, @mama-pepper was even picking up Bear Grylls, Les Stroud, and similar DVDs and having me watch them, just because she knew that if I watched them now, I’d remember it later, and if things ever got really bad, she’d be better off as long as she was with me. Recently, @doitvoluntarily also joined our zombie apocalypse team, so that should help!

Anyway, for several reasons, I do not believe that we will be able to live the simple, happy lives that we have been enjoying forever. That said, if I can give you some good tips and information now that just might be able to save your lives later, I rather do it than not. (Papa cares.)

Here are just a few of the reasons that I believe that things will eventually take a huge turn for the worse:

Obviously, those are just a few reasons. I could go on and on with many conspiracies and agendas, but those direct quotes should be enough to at least make us consider.

When I consider that now I am not just a solo man but rather a husband and father, my responsibility is obviously much greater. I have actual lives depending on me that are not my own…

This is part of the reason why I moved out into the country and am starting to build a homestead. The goal is to have many useful animals that can provide a variety of food, vineyards, orchards, and a permaculture food forest, just to name a few. This can usually only be achieved in a rural setting.


In the city though, urban life rules. As I share what I am about to, it is worth remembering that I am not judging anyone nor attempting to offend anyone either. I am simply sharing my own perception and thoughts.

It seems to me that the city can be the most dangerous environment to be in during a disaster or catastrophe, whether it is orchestrated by man or not. A simply power outage can suddenly become a race for survival in some situations. Since many people do not have access to much soil, the majority of city dwellers do not even have much opportunity to provide their own food.

I know that many with city lots can put in some fruit trees or a garden, as we did ourselves back up in Wisconsin, but those in apartments or similar living spaces have very limited potential. In my own understanding, apartment buildings have even begun to remind me of filing cabinets for people, where each one has its own tiny space. (That’s just my perception.)

Even the animals allowed in most cities is worth thinking about. Though a variety of common pets or exotic animals may be permitted, often “farm” animals are not. This means that if an animal can provide you with meat, milk, or eggs, you will often be breaking the laws or city ordinances if you attempt to raise some in an urban setting.

That said, I think it is worth considering ahead of time exactly what potential resources you may have in the city if disaster strikes. Rioting and looting will most likely quickly lead to an increase in violence and a decrease in available food supply, so you may need to step up your game if you are going to stay safe and keep hydrated and nourished.

As I continue this series, I will attempt to provide some solid information to at least consider. Hopefully, none of us will ever need any of the info that I will share, but if we at least have the knowledge in our heads, it’ll be there if necessary.



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