Weekend of suspense the heartbreaking cries of distress.

Fuente: https://www.flickr.com/photos/26814086@N02/5382755133

Hello dear friends of steemit, we have reached the last post of the weekend period of suspense, this time I want to share with you a well-known urban legend, surfing the web I cross with this legend that speaks of a girl and her nanny, Once they find a treasure, tempted by greed they get a tragic end.

This legend is born in the neighborhood of Recoleta, the neighborhood more top of Federal Capital, says the legend that in this neighborhood of Buenos Aires there was a huge house, according to the superstitious ones it was haunted.

This huge house was inhabited by a family of heirs of the Anchorena, a family of good economic passing, they had a beautiful girl, spoiled and loved by all the nannies she had at her service.

While the twilight was present, the girl slept placidly, suddenly her dreams were interrupted by a noise that came from a corridor that communicated with the rest of the rooms, slowly rose in the darkness, opened the doors of her room to Observe where those noises came from.

At the end of the long corridor he was able to observe the image of a boy crouched in quills, who by his movements tried with great effort to take off and lift a pottery from the floor.

When she lifted the pottery and stored some gold coins in it, the girl could not believe what she saw, all this she could see thanks to the light of the candle that the boy carried in his hands.

The child could not see that it was observed by the reflection that caused the candle, when finishing to accommodate the currencies, put back the pottery and left losing itself in the darkness of the great corridor.

The very intrigued girl ran down the corridor where the coins were, when she was surprised by a candlelight that came from the hands of some of her nannies, who coincidentally witnessed that situation and also ran intrigued to see what it was .

Very enthusiastic they raised the pottery, they kept their mouths open for what they had found, put the pottery back in place and promised to keep the lush find secret.

They planned to find all the twilight days to collect the coins. On the night of the next day, they found themselves in the place mentioned, with much effort they removed three more ceramics so that the girl could enter the well.

Every night they were present at the place, the girl was the one who entered the well, then passed the gold coins to the nanny who kept quickly inside a wooden box, the days went by and the coins continued to flow.

As dusk fell as the last thirty days were present in the place of the find, the nanny brought another empty wooden box with the intention of filling them as they did the other days, in the other hand the unfailing candle to light from above to the Girl who entered the well.

Anyone with reason would have already abandoned the treasure hunt, carrying 29 boxes full of gold, for what more?

What happened was that ambition managed the impulses of these ambitious, as every night with great effort they raised the four ceramics, the girl went back into the well and began to pass the gold coins.

Tonight there was something special in the atmosphere, a storm threatened to lash the city, along the corridor came and came strong winds in swirling forms that he would pay to light the candle, the presentiment of the nanny was not good, barely appeared In the corridor she perceived a hostile climate, the candlelight promised to be extinguished at any moment, the nanny panicked and asked the girl to leave the well, the stubborn girl to finish the work answered that there were few coins to finish, the Nanny felt something very bad and insisted that there was enough gold, to leave at that very moment, the girl again answered that she was not going to leave until there was no money left in the well.

I finish saying these words a cold and strong wind blow through the corridor and I turn off the candle, followed by a loud noise as if someone dragged the pottery and covered the well, the nanny rushed to pretend the candle, when returning with the candle lit verified That the girl had been trapped inside the well.

I tried all the means to run the ceramics but it was impossible, the ceramics were laid as neat and glued to the floor as if they were never removed from the place.

The nanny was desperate, did not know what to do or say to her parents, then remembered that this meeting was done has hidden and nobody knew of this finding, in the face of this situation decided to remain silent without commenting on what happened to anyone.

You tell the children of the Recoleta neighborhood, that the parents of the girl searched desperately for it, but never found it, for all the memories that brought the place of the girl, the parents sold the house.

All families who bought the property soon after sell it again, even today at dusk can be heard in the corridor that the dependencies communicate a loud cry of a girl asking for help, desperately asks to be taken out of the well, Some of the inhabitants have called the police authorities.
The officials have been present more than once, but always the same, hear the terrifying screams but can not locate the place where the screams come.

At present the house is abandoned and nobody wants to buy the house, even neighboring neighbors want to move house, because at dusk fall can hear the heartbreaking cries for help.

Fuente: https://hauntedkingdom.wordpress.com/

Fuente: http://www.leyendas-urbanas.com/la-nina-de-las-monedas/

I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another story of my land Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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