Capitalizing on Sustainability: AT LEAST They Know WE Know!!

It's true that most of the world knows very little about sustainability, let alone care, and that is especially true for corporations. 

Thankfully, sustainability is becoming "cool"--at least in concept, that is. But these days, almost the only reason a corporation cares about sustainability is to make more money. 

Sustainability is something that rich people will pay a lot of money for! People will pay 30% more for a food product that says "green", "sustainable", etc...of course, they don't do research to find out if it IS actually "sustainable" or "green"...It's obvious that very few people know much more about sustainability than "let's buy the things that say green!"

There are even corporations that sell "green" credits: basically, you pay them a bunch of money, and they give you green credits so you can say as a company that you are "green", "sustainable", "saving the forest", etc., without actually DOING anything whatsoever....

Thankfully, at least WE are recognized as "experts" in sustainability, and our international reputation is growing every day! 

Because of our mastery, from time to time we get attention from people or companies wanting to capitalize on it, wanting to build their own "sustainable" image.

The other day, we got an email from a company that doesn't really care about sustainability; they just want to capitalize on the constant growing fad that is sustainability

If you go to the website that we are linked in, there is an article that lists The Garden of Eden as the number one sustainable attraction in Tarrant County Texas:

"Within Tarrant County, Arlington is a green gem. It's home to The Garden of Eden, an intentional sustainable community showcasing communal living, food production, ethical merchantry and sustainable homes. "

On one hand, it's nice to see that it's becoming cool, and it's also nice to be recognized for being leaders and experts.

But on the other hand, given a source that's capitalizing on a fad without any connection whatsoever to what sustainability really's really not that much of a compliment. 

We also have something called integrity, which means we are compelled to say it the way it is rather than play the game just to profit: 

It's obvious that they are just trying to get attention to their article and company--kinda like all the noob Steemit accounts who constantly post "GREAT POST< FOLLOW ME!".

This company is using our name to endorse A) their Earth-raping product, and B) the City of Arlington, which is run by liars and thieves. 

Visitors to our website would NOT appreciate this ridiculous report, and the suggestion that we should add it to our site and attach it to our name is offensive to our honor. 

Come on, just because you use us as example of sustainability does not mean we are going to scratch your back and put you on our website! Ask all you want, but we will eat the hand that tries to feed us laced candy; we'll spit it out. 

For anyone who really cares about sustainability, we are here. Everything we do is with sustainability in consideration, and we share as much of it as we have time for. 

We appreciate all those who really care about sustainability and who support our sustainable cause!

We will continue to live embodying our ideals and intend to constantly evolve, adapt and further this achievement. We have a lot of sustainable projects in the works and are thrilled to be sharing everything FIRST here on Steemit!

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