Bounties Of The Land Episode 3: Harvesting World Renowned Aloe Vera To The Power of Eden! Video, Statistics, Uses, and More!


Today I go out onto the land to do some super food harvesting for a new episode of Bounties of The Land!

We cultivate a LOT of super foods here in The Garden of Eden.

Most of them are wildcrafted, meaning we establish a permaculture-style environment where they can naturally grow & reproduce with little to no effort. We do this because it is the most efficient and sustainable way. 

However, aloe vera is NOT this way! The reason being that aloe cannot handle freezes or even temperatures close to it; it must have temperate climates to survive. 

However, because it is SOOO valuable and useful we cultivate it anyways. 

I won't go into too much more detail as I have a whole video on it for you!

After the video I will list some of the nutrition, contents, uses, etc. 

I hope you watch this video and get inspired by how amazing aloe vera is and how easy it is to grow and use!

Ok so here are some educational information facts about aloe vera to impress you!

  • The genus aloe vera originated in South Africa 16 million years ago!
  • Each year, the value of aloe vera is around $13 billion in the world market.
  • There are 18 amino acids found in aloe vera and these amino acids contribute many health benefits.

Aloe for SKIN!

  • Aloe vera gel can stimulate the production of collagen and foster skin elasticity after only 90 days of use.
  • Even when you are facing some skin problems, such as dermatitis or psoriasis, aloe vera is able to help.
  • The anti-aging quality is also one of the best health benefits of aloe vera, especially when it comes to the skin of old people. The nutrients from aloe vera can be absorbed easily into the skin, and they can even go into as far as the bones.
  • BURNS - Aloe is one of the best known remedies for cuts, scrapes, and burns!
  • Aloe vera is an anti inflammatory, so it is also really good for muscle pain, joint pain, etc. Use it after a work out or for bruises or physical demanding activities. Not only does it reduce pain, but it also speeds up recovery!

Aloe for the mouth!

  • Get that aloe slime in your mouth!
  • Studies show it is VERY effective as a mouthwash or toothpaste. 
  • Reduces plaque, and supports a healthy mouth!
  • Reduces/heals mouth ulcers!

Boost Immune System!

  • Because aloe vera is high in antioxidants, it is very good for boosting the immune system!
  • It also has vitamins A, C, E, B1, B6, potassium, calcium and magnesium which support a strong immune system. 
  • It has chlorophyll, which is great for overall health and support of the immune system. 

Reduces Cholesterol and Blood Sugar!


  • One of the many benefits of aloe vera is to improve the smooth and shiny properties of your hair.
  • Aloe vera can help with scalp itchiness or dandruff. Also for those who want longer hair, aloe vera is a great choice thanks to its rich nutrient density.
  • To make a natural hair mask: Prepare one spoon of aloe vera gel. Mix it with juice from half a lemon in a blender. Apply to hair & scalp. After 20 minutes, use warm water and mild shampoo to clean your hair and scalp.

For your poo!

  • Aloe vera is used in larger doses as a laxative. 
  • This could be considered a side affect or a remedy. 
  • Either way, going poo is essential and most don't poo often enough. 

I hope this information was valuable to you and you are inspired not only by the truly miraculous qualities of this SUPER FOOD but by NATURE itself. 

I have found that health is natural and nature has provided abundant and sustainable remedies for all problems. I pray that people reconnect with natural living and reap the rewards as I have. 

If you wold like to check out my other two "Bounties of The Land" episodes you can do so here: 

"Bounties Of The Land Episode 2: WildCrafted Oxalis Harvest & Taste Test Video!"

"Bounties Of The Land Episode 1: WildCrafted Superfood Japanese Shiso. Article, Pictures Video, Recipe, Smoke Blend!"

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I also make them available for fiat on The Garden of Eden web site of which I donate to, to feed, clothe, educate and heal tens of thousands of people a year!

As always, I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback!


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