Steemit Vision Quest: Conscientious Seed Planting

The Steemit Vision Quest is now on week 14. This week the prompt was "The Seed" and as usual, it forced me to step up, be a better me. I had a post written this morning, one that was inspired by hurt and frustration. To my credit I tried to "make lemonade" with the post but I could not bring myself to put it up. I made a decision not to pour my energy into hurt and frustration and transmit that into the world. It is gone now, I mention it only in reference to the process that led to THIS post.

Do not mistake me for some enlightened, ascended master. Nope, not here. Imperfect sinner behind the keyboard! I do my best to be my best me and I trip over that low bar fairly frequently. I do play this funny game with myself and it helps me get up and try again, over and over. What if Jesus got busy? Got sidetracked? Got frustrated? Or got misunderstood... and He did not mean "Follow me" as in "single file, hold onto your buddy's hand" but as in "Do what I do." He did not mean He was coming down HERE again, that was just bad translating. He meant His Love will be manifested again, 7.5 billion times over when humans remember we are little Jesuses... I know, crazy! But it is just a silly game I play with myself.

In my little game that puts the onus square on my shoulders to be the best little Jesus I can be. Whatever muse of the Universe put this notion in my head also granted me the power to perform one miracle, immediately. I was granted the unlimited capacity to forgive myself for sucking at being Jesus. Have you ever tried to forgive yourself? My friends, I was granted a super power, but it also puts Jiminy Cricket right inside my head. There are times I have to forgive myself for envying people with no conscience... it looks easier.

Anyway, about that seed. The most fulfilling, wholesome thing we can grow is love. Loving our family and friends is not really the tricky part, loving those who do not show us love is where the challenge lies. The only way I know to do that is to plant love seeds with my words. I have control over what goes into and comes out of my mouth. If I actually exercise those I have a healthy body and create a loving environment around me. In our society there are a LOT of people on diets trying to learn to control what they put in their mouth. How much faster would life improve if they showed equal concern for what comes out of it?

Every word we speak can be a tipping point for the listener. It is up to them to prepare the soil, they may have filled their head with bullshit; while that is a fabulous fertilizer for dirt it will not allow love to flourish in the mind. They may have closed their ears and eyes to truth and without that light the seed cannot germinate. We have no control other people hold in their mind, we control only OUR mouth. Even that is a choice, we must decide to be conscientious with our words.

The act of speaking is sacred. You take that precious breath that the Universe gives you and you take a concept and you give it life. You infuse it with vibration that resonates and is perceived by others. That is some serious power, and I do endeavor to use it wisely.

I hope today I have planted a little "Love Seed" in your brain. It is my sincere hope that it will sprout and flourish into a more loving world for all of us.

I could not see the actual words you said
You could not see them explode inside my head.
Piercing the darkness of incomprehension
Truly lifting my mind; knowledge ascension.
The Master, the seeker, the roles are exchanged
When ideas are planted in well nourished brains
Where love is the seed and the harvest we gain.


I tried to do a little better than stick figures... these ladies have big noses but good intentions!


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