💎 Steemit Vision Quest - Week 9: “The Road”

The Road

What road will you choose? How will you make that decision? What is it that you are looking for? Do we really know how to ask ourselves these questions, do we really know what it is we want to ask? How to get in touch with our inner self?

My eyes close
What lies ahead?
A haze of remembrance forming in my head,
A vibration that travels deep down in my being,
I will continue to be at one with this feeling.

When we come to the decisions that will shape our lives, do we recognize how significant they are at the time. Do we trust what our hearts try to tell us, do we hear when our bodies try so hard to engage with us, or do we look up and away for all the decisions that we need to make.

Are we walking blindly?,
do we trust each way?,
Do we listen for the direction
that our bodies strive to say?

Our we taking responsibility for our own lives, or have we handed that over, handed over our power. Do we think that this is easier on us, a life where we can seat back and allow others to create our reality.

I see the many roads that lay in front of me,
One way that tries to speak to me,
Of hidden dreams wrapped up in gold,
of promises of comfort that come when I hand over my control.

Image Source:https://www.memd.me/listen-to-your-body

How far have we travelled, how far have we evolved when we look to others to tell us how we feel and to tell us when our bodies are weak. Have far have we advanced when we no longer need to listen to our inner selves to hear what our higher self needs. Always looking outwards and upwards, taking this road that leads us further and further away from ourselves.

This road that shines and speaks of wealth,
of keeping us all content,
No need to worry about what may be,
this road will lead you always away from me.

The power that we hold inside of us, the power to reconcile and heal. Of course it is o k to seek advice, to walk along a guided path of enlightenment.

But remember that the most important road, is the road that leads you back to you.

I have travelled many roads,
I have searched for ideals,
searched for answers to my dreams.
And all the while the answer lay inside,
no need to travel far away
just the need to meet myself each day.


1st Image Source:https://www.masterfile.com/search/en/crossroads+illustration

The Steemit Vision Quest has been created by @cabelindsay. If you wish to know more about this great quest and to get involved please check it out here @cabelindsay/steemit-vision-quest-week-9-the-road

Thank you @cabelindsay @eaglespirit, @rensoul17, and @girlbeforemirror for bringing us all together and inspiring us to be more creative.

I am part of the ecotrain, if you wish to read great content and be inspired please check it out. It is one train that is full of very diverse and creative passengers. And we all know that diversity is the spice of life.


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