The Old Dog Asks: Am I Under Military Attack?

The Army Has Set up Camp Very Close to Where I live! What Is Going On?

Many who visit Switzerland are surprised by the military presence that they see. It is not unusual to encounter military vehicles driving by, to see military encampments setting up and doing training exercises or to see soldiers marching through a small town.

It is not out of the ordinary to see military vehicles on the roads!

What is Actually Going On? 

Most everyone knows that Switzerland is neutral and has not been involved in a war for over 500 years. What many don't realize however, is that while most European countries have done away with obligatory military service Swiss men must still serve in the army!

This is the encampment which is quite near my home. It was set up and broken down several times over a few weeks.

Once broken down the complete encampment fits into two large shipping containers!

Quick Facts about The Swiss Militia

  • Professional soldiers make up only about 5 % of the army
  • The rest is made up of conscripted "volunteers" from between 19 and 35 years of age and sometimes up to 5o years of age.
  • Compulsory service applies to all males! Women can volunteer to serve. In fact I saw a few at the encampment shown above.
  • It is now easier to be a conscientious objector in which case one must do civil service
  • Every year about 20,000 recruits receive basic training for between 18-21 weeks!
  • Militia members are required to keep all personal equipment including assigned weapons at their home!

To read more about Switzerland's readiness for attacks you can also read my article:

The Old Dog Investigates: The Curious Case Of The Swiss Bomb Shelters


Points to Ponder

  • Did you know about Switzerland's conscription law?
  • Does it surprise you?
  • Would it make you feel strange or protected to see the military presence?

I hope that you enjoyed my article and no I wasn't under attack!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

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